System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

/etc/ppp/pppoe File

The /etc/ppp/pppoe file describes the services that are offered by an access server plus options that define how PPP runs over the PPPoE tunnel. You can define services for individual interfaces, or globally, that is, for all interfaces on the access server. The access server sends the information in the /etc/ppp/pppoe file in response to a broadcast from a potential PPPoE client.

The following is the basic syntax of /etc/ppp/pppoe:

service service-name
    device interface-name
The parameters have the following meanings.


Sets the default options for the /etc/ppp/pppoe file. These options can be any options that are available through pppoed or pppd. For complete lists of options, see the man pages pppoed(1M) and pppd(1M).

For example, you must list the Ethernet interfaces that are available for the PPPoE tunnel as part of global options. If you do not define devices in /etc/ppp/pppoe, the services are not offered on any interface.

To define devices as a global option, use the following form:

device interface <,interface>
interface specifies the interface where the service listens for potential PPPoE clients. If more than one interface is associated with the service, separate each name with a comma.

service service-name

Starts the definition of the service service-name. service-name is a string that can be any phrase that is appropriate to the services that are provided.


Lists the PPPoE and PPP options specific to this service.

device interface-name

Specifies the interface where the previously listed service is available.

For additional options to /etc/ppp/pppoe, refer to the pppoed(1M) and pppd(1M) man pages.

A typical /etc/ppp/pppoe file might resemble the following.

Example 32–4 Basic /etc/ppp/pppoe File

device hme1,hme2,hme3
service internet
   pppd "name internet-server"
service intranet
   pppd ""
service debug
   device hme1
   pppd "debug name internet-server"

In this file, the following values apply.


Three interfaces on the access server to be used for PPPoE tunnels.

service internet

Advertises a service that is called internet to prospective clients. The provider that offers the service also determines how internet is defined. For example, a provider might interpret internet to mean various IP services, as well as access to the Internet.


Sets the command-line options that are used when the caller invokes pppd. The option "name internet-server" gives the name of the local machine, the access server, as internet-server.

service intranet

Advertises another service that is called intranet to prospective clients.

pppd ""

Sets the command-line options that are used when the caller invokes pppd. When the caller invokes pppd, is set as the IP address for the local machine, the access server.

service debug

Advertises a third service, debugging, on the interfaces that are defined for PPPoE.

device hme1

Restricts debugging to PPPoE tunnels to hme1.

pppd "debug name internet-server"

Sets the command-line options that are used when the caller invokes pppd, in this instance, PPP debugging on internet-server, the local machine.