System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

Reporting Cap and Project Information

In this example, caps are defined for two projects associated with two users. user1 has a cap of 50 megabytes, and user2 has a cap of 10 megabytes.

The following command produces five reports at 5-second sampling intervals.

user1machine% rcapstat 5 5
    id project  nproc     vm    rss   cap    at avgat    pg avgpg
112270   user1     24   123M    35M   50M   50M    0K 3312K    0K
 78194   user2      1  2368K  1856K   10M    0K    0K    0K    0K
    id project  nproc     vm    rss   cap    at avgat    pg avgpg
112270   user1     24   123M    35M   50M    0K    0K    0K    0K
 78194   user2      1  2368K  1856K   10M    0K    0K    0K    0K
    id project  nproc     vm    rss   cap    at avgat    pg avgpg
112270   user1     24   123M    35M   50M    0K    0K    0K    0K
 78194   user2      1  2368K  1928K   10M    0K    0K    0K    0K
    id project  nproc     vm    rss   cap    at avgat    pg avgpg
112270   user1     24   123M    35M   50M    0K    0K    0K    0K
 78194   user2      1  2368K  1928K   10M    0K    0K    0K    0K
    id project  nproc     vm    rss   cap    at avgat    pg avgpg
112270   user1     24   123M    35M   50M    0K    0K    0K    0K
 78194   user2      1  2368K  1928K   10M    0K    0K    0K    0K 

The first three lines of output constitute the first report, which contains the cap and project information for the two projects and paging statistics since rcapd was started. The at and pg columns are a number greater than zero for user1 and zero for user2, which indicates that at some time in the daemon's history, user1 exceeded its cap but user2 did not.

The subsequent reports show no significant activity.