System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

Starting Solaris Print Manager

To start Solaris Print Manager, either select Printer Administrator from the CDE Workspace menu or start the Print Manager from the command line. See the following section for details.

How to Start Solaris Print Manager

  1. Verify that the following prerequisites are met. To use Solaris Print Manager, you must:

    • Have a bit-mapped display monitor, such as the standard display monitor that comes with a Sun workstation. Solaris Print Manager can be used only on a system with a console that is a bit-mapped screen.

    • Be running an X Window System, such as the CDE environment, or be using the remote display feature on a system running an xhost environment.

    • Be logged in as superuser on the printer server to install an attached or network printer, or on the print client to add access to a printer.

    • Have the required access privileges for managing the LDAP, NIS, NIS+, or NIS+ (xfn) database:

      • If your name service is LDAP, you must have the following:

        • The distinguished name (DN) of a printer administrator and password in the directory.

        • The name or IP address of an LDAP server hosting the administered domain. This information is usually displayed and selected automatically.

          For more information about using LDAP to manage printer information, see Managing Printer Information With LDAP.

      • If your name service is NIS, you must have the root password for the NIS master.

      • If you name service is NIS+, you might need to do the following:

        1. Log in to the NIS+ master as superuser.

        2. Identify the group that owns the printers table:

          # niscat -o
                   Group		: ""
        3. If necessary, add the system that runs Solaris Print Manager to the NIS+ admin group authorized to update the printers.org_dir.<domain> file.

          # nisgrpadm -a host_name
        4. Log in to the system that runs Solaris Print Manager as superuser. Your NIS+ configuration may make it necessary to run the /usr/bin/keylogin command. For more information, see keylogin(1).

      • If your name service is NIS+ (xfn), you might need to do the following:

        1. Log in to the NIS+ master as superuser.

        2. Identify the group that owns the federated naming table:

          # niscat -o
                   Group		: ""
        3. If necessary, add the system that runs Solaris Print Manager to the NIS+ admin group authorized to update the fns.ctx_dir.<domain> file.

          # nisgrpadm -a host_name
        4. Log in to the system that runs Solaris Print Manager as superuser. Your NIS+ configuration may make it necessary to run the /usr/bin/keylogin command. See keylogin(1) for more information.

    • Have the SUNWppm package installed.

      # pkginfo | grep SUNWppm
      system      SUNWppm        Solaris Print Manager
  2. Start Solaris Print Manager by one of the following methods:

    • Select Printer Administrator from the Tools option of the CDE Workspace menu.

    • Select the Applications menu from the CDE front panel, and click the Printer Administrator icon in the Application Manager's System_Admin window

    • Type the following command at the command line:

      # /usr/sadm/admin/bin/printmgr &        

    The Select Naming Service window overlays the Solaris Print Manager main window.

    If you want to use Solaris Print Manager from a remote system, do the following:

    Use the xhost command on the local system to give the remote system display access:

    # xhost +remote-system

    Then log in to the remote system, set the DISPLAY environment variable, and start Solaris Print Manager:

    # DISPLAY=local-system:display_number
    # export DISPLAY
    # /usr/sadm/admin/bin/printmgr &

    Note –

    If Solaris Print Manager fails to start from the CDE menu or from the command line, check the following:

    1. Superuser (root) might not have permission to connect to the X-server process on the local or remote system. If this happens, type the following:

      $ xhost +hostname
      $ su
      (Enter root's password)
      # /usr/sadm/admin/bin/printmgr &

      Replace hostname with either the local or remote system name before restarting Solaris Print Manager.

    2. Verify that the SUNWppm package is installed on the local or remote system.

      $ pkginfo | grep SUNWppm

  3. Select the name service that is used in your network from the Select Naming Service window. Choices are: NIS+ (xfn), NIS+, NIS, or files.

  4. Check that the domain name is correct.

    The Solaris Print Manager main menu is displayed after the name service is loaded successfully.