System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

How to Move Print Requests to Another Printer

To move all print requests from one printer to another printer, you do not need to know the request IDs. However, it is a good idea to see how many print requests are affected before you move them.

  1. Log in as superuser, lp, or assume an equivalent role on the print server.

  2. (Optional) Check the request IDs of the print requests on the original printer.

    # lpstat -o printer-name1
  3. (Optional) Check to see if the destination printer is accepting print requests.

    # lpstat -p printer-name2

    -p printer-name2

    Name of the printer to which you are moving the print requests. 

  4. Move all the print requests from the original printer to the destination printer.

    # lpmove printer-name1 printer-name2


    Name of the printer from which all print requests will be moved.  


    Name of the printer to which all print requests will be moved. 

    For more information, see lpmove(1M).

    If some requests cannot be printed on the destination printer, the requests are left in the original printer's queue. By using request IDs, you can also move specific print requests to another printer with the lpmove command.

  5. Start accepting print requests on the original printer.

    If you move all the print requests to another printer, the lpmove command automatically stops accepting print requests for the printer. This step is necessary if you want to begin accepting new print requests for the printer.

    # accept printer-name1
  6. Check for any remaining print requests in the original printer's queue.

    $ lpstat -o printer-name1

    Make sure all specified print requests were moved to the destination printer's queue by using the following command.

    $ lpstat -o printer-name2

Example—Moving Print Requests to Another Printer

The following example shows how to move print requests from the printer luna to the printer terra, and then tells the original printer luna to resume accepting print requests.

# lpmove luna terra
# accept luna