System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

How to Configure File Systems for Quotas

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Edit the /etc/vfstab file and add rq to the mount options field for each UFS file system that will have quotas.

  3. Change directory to the root of the file system that will have quotas.

  4. Create a file named quotas.

    # touch quotas
  5. Change permissions to read/write for root access only.

    # chmod 600 quotas

Where to Go From Here

Use the following table to determine which tasks to complete next.


For More Information 

Set up quotas for a user or multiple users. 

How to Set Up Quotas for a User

How to Set Up Quotas for Multiple Users

If you are setting up quotas on a file system with existing files, you need to run the quotacheck command.

How to Check Quota Consistency

Turn on file system quotas. 

How to Turn On Quotas

Examples—Configuring File Systems for Quotas

The following /etc/vfstab example shows that the /export/home directory from the system pluto is mounted as an NFS file system on the local system. You can tell quotas are enabled by the rq entry under the mount options column.

#device           device   mount       FS    fsck   mount   mount
#to mount         to fsck  point       type  pass   at boot options
pluto:/export/home -       /export/home nfs    -     yes    rq

The following example line from /etc/vfstab shows that the local /work directory is mounted with quotas enabled, signified by the rq entry under the mount options column.

#device           device            mount  FS   fsck mount   mount
#to mount         to fsck           point  type pass at boot options
/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t4d0s0 /work ufs  3    yes     rq