System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

Examples—Displaying General System Information

The following example shows the showrev command output. The -a option displays all available system information.

$ showrev -a
Hostname: starbug
Hostid: nnnnnnnn
Release: 5.9
Kernel architecture: sun4u
Application architecture: sparc
Hardware provider: Sun_Microsystems
Kernel version: SunOS 5.9 May 2002

OpenWindows version: 
X11 Version 6.6.1 5 April 2002

No patches are installed

You can also use the uname command to display system information. The following example shows the uname command output. The -a option displays the operating system name as well as the system node name, operating system release, operating system version, hardware name, and processor type.

$ uname
$ uname -a
SunOS starbug 5.9 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10