Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide

Top Down Volume Creation (Task Map)

The following task map identifies the procedures needed to create Solaris Volume Manager volumes with the metassist command, which allows you to specify volumes based on quality of service characteristics and create sets of layered volumes with a single command.



Creating a Volume AutomaticallyAllows you to use the metassist command to create one or more Solaris Volume Manager volumes.

Specifying Output Verbosity from the metassist Command

Allows you to control the amount of information about the volume creation process that the metassist command provides for troubleshooting or diagnosis.

Creating a Command File with the metassist Command

Helps you create a shell script with the metassist command to generate the volumes that the command specified.

Creating a Volume with A Saved Shell Script Created by the metassist Command

Shows you how to create the Solaris Volume Manager volumes that the metassist command specified with the shell script previously generated by the command.

Creating a Volume Configuration File with the metassist Command

Helps you create a volume configuration file, describing the characteristics of the volumes you want to create.  

Changing the Volume Defaults File

Allows you to set default volume characteristics to customize the metassist command's behavior.