System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

How to Set Up a DNS Server

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Set the server up as a DNS client, which would include setting up the server's resolv.conf file). See How to Set Up a DNS Client.

  3. Set up the boot file. See Example Boot Files.

  4. Set up the data files. You need to set up four data files.


    • hosts

    • hosts.rev

    • named.local

  5. Initialize the server. See How to Initialize the Server.

  6. Test the server. See How to Test Your Installation.

    Note –

    The most common use of DNS is to connect your network to the Internet. To connect to the Internet, your network IP address must be registered with whomever is administering your parent domain. Who that administrator is varies according to your geographic location and the type of parent domain. This manual does not describe how to register networks with domain administrators.