System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Using Sun ONE Directory Server With digest-MD5

If you are using the Sun ONE Directory Server with digest-MD5, a user who changes her password will not be able to login with the new password if the change fails for any password management reason.

For example, is password history is enabled on the server and the user attempts to change her password to a previously used password, pam_ldap fails to change the password due to the constraint violations (a previously used password in this case). pam ignores pam_ldap and falls through to pam_unix. As a result, the password is stored in crypt format and not in the clear. Consequently, the next time the user attempts to login with her new password, her login will fail.

To avoid having pam_ldap “fall through” to pam_unix, use the following configuration on all clients' pam.conf files:

  other   password required
  other   password requisite
  other   password requisite
  other   password binding server_policy

Note that there is no in the above configuration. The server_policy specifies that should always send clear text for LDAP accounts to the directory server and allows the server to store the password according to its own password encryption scheme. However, when using the above configuration, you also need the matching authentication configurations. For example, use the following configuration:

login     auth     binding server_policy
login     auth     required


passwd     auth    binding    server_policy
passwd     auth    required

Caution – Caution –

Make sure that every client in the same directory naming domain uses the configuration above. If even one client is using a different pam.conf, if a user changes her password on that system, login authentication will fail on the rest of the clients.