IPsec and IKE Administration Guide

How to Handle a Certificate Revocation List

A certificate revocation list (CRL) contains outdated or compromised certificates from a Certificate Authority. You have four ways to handle CRLs.

The following procedure describes how to instruct IKE to use CRLs from a central distribution point.

  1. Display the certificate that you received from the CA.

    # ikecert certdb -lv certspec

    Lists certificates in the IKE certificate database.


    Lists the certificates in verbose mode. Use this option with care.


    Is a pattern that matches a certificate in the IKE certificate database.

    For example, the following certificate was issued by Sun Microsystems. Details have been altered.

    # ikecert certdb -lv example-protect.sun.com
    Certificate Slot Name: 0   Type: dsa-sha1
       (Private key in certlocal slot 0)
     Subject Name: <O=Sun Microsystems Inc, CN=example-protect.sun.com>
     Issuer Name: <CN=Sun Microsystems Inc CA (Cl B), O=Sun Microsystems Inc>
     SerialNumber: 14000D93
          Not Valid Before: 2002 Jul 19th, 21:11:11 GMT
          Not Valid After:  2005 Jul 18th, 21:11:11 GMT
       Public Key Info:
          Public Modulus  (n) (2048 bits): C575A…A5
          Public Exponent (e) (  24 bits): 010001
          Subject Alternative Names:
                  DNS = example-protect.sun.com
          Key Usage: DigitalSignature KeyEncipherment
       CRL Distribution Points:
          Full Name:
             URI = #Ihttp://www.sun.com/pki/pkismica.crl#i
             DN = <CN=Sun Microsystems Inc CA (Cl B), O=Sun Microsystems Inc>
          CRL Issuer: 
          Authority Key ID:
          Key ID:              4F … 6B
          SubjectKeyID:        A5 … FD
          Certificate Policies
          Authority Information Access

    Notice the CRL Distribution Points data. The URI entry indicates that this organization's CRL is available on the web. The DN entry indicates that the CRL is also available on an LDAP server. You can use one of these two options.

  2. To use the URI, add the keyword use_http to the host's /etc/inet/ike/config file.

    For example, the ike/config file would appear similar to the following:

    # Use CRL from organization's URI

    You can also use a web proxy by adding the keyword proxy in the ike/config file. The proxy keyword takes a URL as an argument, as in the following:

    proxy "http://proxy1:8080"

    IKE retrieves the CRL and caches the CRL until the certificate expires.

  3. To use LDAP, use the LDAP server as an argument to the ldap-list keyword in the host's /etc/inet/ike/config file.

    Your organization provides the name of the LDAP server. The entry in the ike/config file would appear similar to the following:

    # Use CRL from organization's LDAP
    ldap-list "ldap1.sun.com:389,ldap2.sun.com"

    IKE retrieves the CRL and caches the CRL until the certificate expires.

Example—Pasting a CRL Into the Local certrldb Database

If the PKI organization's CRL is not available from a central distribution point, you can add the PKI organization's CRL manually to the local certrldb database. Follow the PKI organization's instructions for extracting the CRL, then add the CRL to the database with the ikecert certrldb –a command.

# ikecert certrldb -a
Press the Return key
Paste the CRL from the PKI organization
Press the Return key
Press <Control>-D to enter the CRL into the database