IPsec and IKE Administration Guide

Example—ipsecinit.conf File

The Solaris software includes an IPsec policy file as a sample. This sample file is named ipsecinit.sample. You can use the file as a template to create your own ipsecinit.conf file. The ipsecinit.sample file contains the following examples:

# For example,
#	 {rport 23} ipsec {encr_algs des encr_auth_algs md5}
# will protect the telnet traffic originating from the host with ESP using
# DES and MD5. Also:
#	 {raddr} ipsec {auth_algs any}
# will protect traffic to or from the subnet with AH 
# using any available algorithm.
# To do basic filtering, a drop rule may be used. For example:
#    {lport 23 dir in} drop {}
#    {lport 23 dir out} drop {}
# will disallow any remote system from telnetting in.