Solaris 9 12/03 Installation Guide

Worksheet for Upgrading

Use the following worksheet to gather the information that you need to upgrade the Solaris operating environment. You do not need to gather all of the information that is requested on the worksheet. You only need to collect the information that applies to your system. If you are performing the upgrade over the network, the installation program provides the information for you, based on the current system configuration.

You cannot change basic system identification, such as host name or IP address. The installation program might prompt you for basic system identification, but you must enter the original values. If you use the Solaris Web Start program to upgrade, the upgrade fails if you attempt to change any of the values.

Note –

Ignore the shaded rows if you are upgrading a standalone, nonnetworked system.

Table 6–2 Upgrade Worksheet

Information for Install 

Description or Example 



Is the system connected to a network? 



Can the system use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to configure its network interfaces? 


Host Name 

Host name that you choose for the system. 


IP Address 

If you are not using DHCP, supply the IP address for the system. 




If you are not using DHCP, is the system part of a subnet? 

If yes, what is the netmask of the subnet? 




Do you want to enable IPv6 on this machine? 



Do you want to configure Kerberos security on this machine? 

If yes, gather this information: 


Default Realm: 

Administration Server: 

First KDC: 

(Optional) Additional KDCs: 


Name Service 

Which name service should this system use? 


Domain Name 

If the system uses a name service, supply the name of the domain in which the system resides. 


NIS+ and NIS 

Do you want to specify a name server or let the installation program find one? 

If you want to specify a name server, provide the following information. 

Specify One/Find One 

Server's host name: 

Server's IP Address: 


Provide IP addresses for the DNS server. You must enter at least one IP address, but you can enter up to three addresses. 


Server's IP Address(es): 

You can enter a list of domains to search when a DNS query is made. 

Search Domain: 


Provide the following information about your LDAP profile. 


Profile Name: 

Profile Server: 

IP Address: 

If you specify a proxy credential level in your LDAP profile, gather this information. 

Proxy-bind distinguished name: 

Proxy-bind password: 

Default Route 

Do you want to specify a default route IP address or let the Solaris Web Start installation program or Solaris suninstall program find one?

The default route provides a bridge that forwards traffic between two physical networks. An IP address is a unique number that identifies each host on a network. 

You have the following choices:  

  • You can specify the IP address. An /etc/defaultrouter file is created with the specified IP address. When the system is rebooted, the specified IP address becomes the default route.

  • You can let the software detect an IP address.

    • The Solaris suninstall program detects an IP address when the system is rebooted.

    • The Solaris Web Start installation program can detect a default route. However, the system must be on a subnet that has a router that advertises itself by using the ICMP router discovery protocol.

  • You can choose None if you do not have a router or do not want the software to detect an IP address at this time. The software automatically tries to detect an IP address on reboot.

Specify One/Find One/None 

Host IP address: 

Time Zone 

How do you want to specify your default time zone? 

Geographic region 

Offset from GMT 

Time zone file 


For which geographic regions do you want to install support? 


SPARC: Power Management 

(only available on SPARC systems that support Power Management) 

Do you want to use Power Management? 

Note –

If your system has Energy Star version 3 or later, you are not prompted for this information.


Proxy Server Configuration 

(only available in the Solaris Web Start program) 

Do you have a direct connection to the Internet or do you need to use a proxy server to gain access to the Internet? 

If you use a proxy server, provide the following information. 

Direct Connection/Proxy Server 



Automatic reboot or CD/DVD ejection 

Reboot automatically after software installation? 

Eject CD/DVD automatically after software installation? 




Disk Space Reallocation  

Do you want the installation program to automatically re-lay out file systems on your disks? 

If yes, which file systems should be used for auto-layout? 

Example: /, /opt, /var

If no, you must provide information for file system configuration. 
