What's New in the Solaris 9 12/03 Operating Environment

Reconfiguration Coordination Manager (RCM)

Dynamic reconfiguration of system resources enables you to reconfigure system components while the system is still running. This feature has been available with the cfgadm command since the Solaris 8 release. The Reconfiguration Coordination Manager is the framework that manages the dynamic removal of system components. By using RCM, you can register and release system resources in an orderly manner.

Previously, you had to release resources from applications manually before you could dynamically remove the resource. Or, you could use the cfgadm command with the -f option to force a reconfiguration operation. This option, however, might leave your applications in an unknown state. Also, the manual release of resources from applications commonly causes errors.

You can use the new RCM script feature to write your own scripts to shut down your applications. You can write scripts to cleanly release the devices from your applications during dynamic reconfiguration. The RCM framework launches a script automatically in response to a reconfiguration request, if the request impacts the resources that are registered by the script.

See the System Administration Guide: Basic Administration and the rcmscript(4) man page for more information.