What's New in the Solaris 9 12/03 Operating Environment

New Boot Options for a Custom JumpStart Installation

New options have been added for use with the boot command when you perform a custom JumpStart installation.

With the boot command, you can specify the location of the configuration files to use to perform the installation. You can specify a path to an HTTP server, an NFS server, or a file that is available on local media. If you do not know the path to the files, you can require that the installation program prompt you for the path. The prompt is displayed after the machine boots and connects to the network.

The nowin option enables you to specify that the custom JumpStart program not begin the X program. You do not need to use the X program to perform a custom JumpStart installation. You can shorten the installation time by using the nowin option.

For detailed instructions about how to use these new options, refer to “Custom JumpStart Installation (Topics)” in Solaris 9 12/03 Installation Guide.