System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Commands for Creating a Customized File System

This section describes the two commands that you use to create a customized file system:

The newfs Command Syntax, Options, and Arguments

The newfs command is a friendlier version of the mkfs command that is used to create file systems.

The syntax is as follows:

/usr/sbin/newfs [-Nv] [mkfs_options] raw_device

The following table describes the options and arguments for the newfs command.

Table 44–4 The newfs Command Options and Arguments




Displays the file system parameters that would be used in creating the file system without actually creating it. This option does not display the parameters that were used to create an existing file system. 


Set the parameters of the file system to allow eventual growth to over a terabyte in total file system size. This option sets fragsize to be the same as bsize, and sets nbpi to 1 Mbyte, unless the -i option is used to make it even larger. If you use the -f or -i options to specify a fragsize or nbpi that is incompatible with this option, the user-supplied value of fragsize or nbpi is ignored.


Displays the parameters that are passed to the mkfs command.


Use the options in this table, from -s size to -C maxcontig, to set the mkfs parameters. The options are listed in the order they are passed to the mkfs command. Separate the options with spaces.

-s size

The size of the file system in sectors. The default is automatically determined from the disk label. 

-t ntrack

The number of tracks per cylinder on the disk. The default is determined from the disk label. 

-b bsize

The logical block size in bytes to use for data transfers. Specify the size of 4096 or 8192 (4 or 8 Kbytes). The default is 8192 bytes (8 Kbytes). 

-f fragsize

The smallest amount of disk space in bytes that is allocated to a file. Specify the fragment size in powers of two in the range from 512 to 8192 bytes. The default is 1024 bytes (1 Kbyte). 

For file systems greater than 1 terabyte or for file systems created with the -T option, fragsize is forced to match block size (bsize).

-c cgsize

The number of disk cylinders per cylinder group. The default value is calculated by dividing the number of sectors in the file system by the number of sectors in 1 Gbyte, and then multiplying the result by 32. The default value ranges from 16 to 256.  

-m free

The minimum percentage of free disk space to allow. The default is ((64 Mbytes/partition size) * 100), rounded down to the nearest integer and limited between 1% and 10%, inclusively. 

-r rpm

The speed of the disk, in revolutions per minute. This setting is driver- or device-specific. If the drive can report how fast it spins, the mkfs command uses this value. If not, the default is 3600. This parameter is converted to revolutions per second before it is passed to the mkfs command.

-i nbpi

The number of bytes per inode to use in computing how many inodes to create. For the default values, see Number of Inodes (Files).

-o opt

Optimization type to use for allocating disk blocks to files: space or time. The default is time.

-a apc

The number of alternate blocks per disk cylinder (SCSI devices only) to reserve for bad block placement. The default is 0. 

-d gap

(Rotational delay) The expected minimum number of milliseconds it takes the CPU to complete a data transfer and initiate a new data transfer on the same disk cylinder. The default is zero, indicating a disk drive with track readahead buffering. 

-n nrpos

The number of different rotation positions in which to divide a cylinder group. The default is 8. 

-C maxcontig

The maximum number of blocks, belonging to one file, that will be allocated contiguously before inserting a rotational delay. The default varies from drive to drive. Drives without internal (track) buffers (or drives or controllers that don't advertise the existence of an internal buffer) default to 1. Drives with buffers default to 7. 

This parameter is limited in the following way: 

blocksize x maxcontig must be <= maxphys

maxphys is a read-only kernel variable that specifies the maximum block transfer size (in bytes) that the I/O subsystem is capable of satisfying. This limit is enforced by the mount command, not by newfs or mkfs command.

This parameter also controls clustering. Regardless of the value of rotdelay, clustering is enabled only when maxcontig is greater than 1. Clustering allows higher I/O rates for sequential I/O and is described in tunefs(1M).


The special character (raw) device file name of the partition that will contain the file system. This argument is required. 

Example—newfs Command Options and Arguments

This example shows how to use the -N option to display file system information, including the backup superblocks.

# newfs -N /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0:  37260 sectors in 115 cylinders of 9 tracks, 36 sectors
        19.1MB in 8 cyl groups (16 c/g, 2.65MB/g, 1216 i/g)
superblock backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 5264, 10496, 15728, 20960, 26192, 31424, 36656,

The Generic mkfs Command

The generic mkfs command calls a file system-specific mkfs command, which then creates a file system of a specified type on a specified disk slice. Although the mkfs command can support different types of file systems, in practice you would use it to create UFS, UDFS, or PCFS file systems. To make other types of file systems, you would have to write the software for the file system–specific versions of the mkfs command to use. Normally, you do not run the mkfs command directly. The mkfs command is called by the newfs command.

The generic mkfs command is located in the /usr/sbin directory. For a description of the arguments and options, see mkfs(1M).