System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Guidelines for Drive Maintenance and Media Handling

A backup tape that cannot be read is useless. So, to clean and check your tape drives periodically to ensure correct operation. See your hardware manuals for instructions on procedures for cleaning a tape drive. You can check your tape hardware by doing either of the following:

Be aware that hardware can fail in ways that the system does not report.

Always label your tapes after a backup. If you are using a backup strategy similar to those strategies suggested in Chapter 46, Backing Up and Restoring File Systems (Overview), you should indicate on the label “Tape A,” “Tape B,” and so forth. This label should never change. Every time you do a backup, make another tape label containing the backup date, the name of the machine and file system backed up, backup level, the tape number (1 of n, if it spans multiple volumes), plus any information specific to your site.

Store your tapes in a dust-free safe location, away from magnetic equipment. Some sites store archived tapes in fireproof cabinets at remote locations.

You should create and maintain a log that tracks which media (tape volume) stores each job (backup) and the location of each backed-up file.