Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

Preconfiguring With the Name Service

The following table provides a high-level overview of the name service databases that you need to edit and populate to preconfigure system information.

System Information to Preconfigure 

Name Service Database 

Host name and Internet Protocol (IP) address 


Date and time 

hosts. Specify the timehost alias next to the host name of the system that will provide the date and time for the systems that are being installed.

Time zone 




You cannot preconfigure the locale for a system with the DNS or LDAP name service. If you use the NIS or NIS+ name service, follow the procedure for your name service to preconfigure the locale for a system:

To Preconfigure the Locale Using NIS

  1. Become superuser on the name server.

  2. Change /var/yp/Makefile to add the locale map.

    1. Insert this shell procedure after the last variable.time shell procedure.

      locale.time:  $(DIR)/locale
              -@if [ -f $(DIR)/locale ]; then \
                     sed -e "/^#/d" -e s/#.*$$// $(DIR)/locale \
                     | awk '{for (i = 2; i<=NF; i++) print $$i, $$0}' \
                     | $(MAKEDBM) - $(YPDBDIR)/$(DOM)/locale.byname; \
                     touch locale.time; \
                     echo "updated locale"; \
                     if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then \
                             $(YPPUSH) locale.byname; \
                             echo "pushed locale"; \
                     else \
                     : ; \
                     fi \
              else \
                     echo "couldn't find $(DIR)/locale"; \
    2. Find the string all: and, at the end of the list of variables, insert the word locale.

      all: passwd group hosts ethers networks rpc services protocols \
      	netgroup bootparams aliases publickey netid netmasks c2secure \
      	timezone auto.master auto.home locale
    3. Near the end of the file, after the last entry of its type, insert the string locale: locale.time on a new line.

      passwd: passwd.time
      group: group.time
      hosts: hosts.time
      ethers: ethers.time
      networks: networks.time
      rpc: rpc.time
      services: services.time
      protocols: protocols.time
      netgroup: netgroup.time
      bootparams: bootparams.time
      aliases: aliases.time
      publickey: publickey.time
      netid: netid.time
      passwd.adjunct: passwd.adjunct.time
      group.adjunct: group.adjunct.time
      netmasks: netmasks.time
      timezone: timezone.time
      auto.master: auto.master.time
      auto.home: auto.home.time
      locale: locale.time
    4. Save the file.

  3. Create the file /etc/locale and make one entry for each domain or specific system:

    locale domain_name


    locale system_name

    Note –

    Appendix D, Locale Values (Reference) contains a list of valid locales.

    For example, the following entry specifies that French is the default language that is used in the domain:


    And the following entry specifies that Belgian French is the default locale that is used by a system named charlie:

    fr_BE charlie 

    Note –

    Locales are available on the Solaris DVD or Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD.

  4. Make the maps:

    # cd /var/yp; make

    Systems that are specified by domain or individually in the locale map are now set up to use the default locale. The default locale that you specified is used during installation and by the desktop after the system is rebooted.

To Preconfigure the Locale Using NIS+

The following procedure assumes the NIS+ domain is set up. Setting up the NIS+ domain is documented in the System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP).

  1. Log in to a name server as superuser or as a user in the NIS+ administration group.

  2. Create the locale table:

    # nistbladm -D access=og=rmcd,nw=r -c locale_tbl name=SI,nogw= 
    locale=,nogw= comment=,nogw= locale.org_dir.`nisdefaults -d` 
  3. Add needed entries to the locale.

    # nistbladm -a name=name locale=locale comment=comment 
    locale.org_dir.`nisdefaults -d`

    Either the domain name or a specific system name for which you want to preconfigure a default locale.


    The locale you want to install on the system and use on the desktop after the system is rebooted. Appendix D, Locale Values (Reference) contains a list of valid locales.


    The comment field. Use double quotation marks to begin and end comments that are longer than one word.

    Note –

    Locales are available on the Solaris DVD or Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD.

    Systems that are specified by domain or individually in the locale table are now set up to use the default locale. The default locale you specified is used during installation and by the desktop after the system is rebooted.