Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

State Database Replicas Guidelines and Requirements

You should distribute state database replicas across slices, drives, and controllers, to avoid single points of failure. You want a majority of replicas to survive a single component failure. If you lose a replica, when a device fails, for example, the failure might cause problems with running Solaris Volume Manager software or when rebooting the system. Solaris Volume Manager software requires at least half of the replicas to be available to run, but a majority (half plus one) to reboot into multiuser mode.

For detailed instructions about creating and administering state database replicas, see Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide.

Selecting Slices for State Database Replicas

Before selecting slices for state database replicas, consider the following guidelines and recommendations.

Choosing the Number of State Database Replicas

Before choosing the number of state database replicas, consider the following guidelines.

Distributing State Database Replicas Across Controllers

If multiple controllers exist, replicas should be distributed as evenly as possible across all controllers. This strategy provides redundancy if a controller fails and also helps balance the load. If multiple disks exist on a controller, at least two of the disks on each controller should store a replica.