Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

Appendix G Additional SVR4 Packaging Requirements (Reference)

This appendix is for system administrators who need to use the custom JumpStart program or Solaris Live Upgrade to install or remove packages, especially third-party packages. Following these packaging requirements keeps a custom JumpStart installation non-interactive and avoids modifying the currently running system so you can upgrade with Solaris Live Upgrade.

Packaging Requirements Overview

The following documentation references provide background information on packaging requirements.

Table G–1 lists information that applies to either Solaris Live Upgrade or the custom JumpStart program in this document.

Table G–1 Requirements Information

Installation Method 

Requirements Documented 

Solaris Live Upgrade 

Custom JumpStart program 

Custom JumpStart Program and Solaris Live Upgrade Inactive Boot Environment Requirements

An inactive boot environment is a copy of the operating environment, not the currently running system. A package to be used by Live Upgrade or the custom JumpStart program must follow these requirements:

The following list explains the requirements for inactive boot environment compliance.

Differences Between $PKG_INSTALL_ROOT and $BASEDIR Overview

$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT is the location of the root (/) file system of the machine to which you are adding the package. The location is set to the -R argument of the pkgadd command. For example, if the following command is invoked, then $PKG_INSTALL_ROOT becomes /a during the installation of the package.

# pkgadd -R /a SUNWvxvm

$BASEDIR points to the relocatable base directory into which relocatable package objects are installed. Only relocatable objects are installed here. Non-relocatable objects (those that have absolute paths in the pkgmap file) are always installed relative to the inactive boot environment, but not relative to the $BASEDIR in effect. If a package has no relocatable objects, then the package is said to be an absolute package (or non-relocatable), and $BASEDIR is undefined and not available to package procedure scripts.

For example, suppose a package's pkgmap file has two entries:

1 f none sbin/ls 0555 root sys 3541 12322 1002918510
1 f none /sbin/ls2 0555 root sys 3541 12322 2342423332

The pkginfo file has a specification for $BASEDIR:


If this package is installed with the following command, then ls is installed in /a/opt/sbin/ls, but ls2 is installed as /a/sbin/ls2.

# pkgadd -R /a SUNWtest

Solaris Live Upgrade Inactive Boot Environment Compliance

When using Solaris Live Upgrade and creating a new boot environment, avoid problems by following these guidelines.

These requirements for creating, modifying, and deleting files can be verified using a variety of commands. For example, the dircmp or fssnap commands can be used to verify that packages behave properly. Also, the ps command can be used for testing daemon compliance by making sure daemons are not stopped or started by the package. The truss, pkgadd -v, and pkgrm commands can test runtime package installation compliance, but might not work in all situations. In the following example, the truss command strips out all read-only, non-$TEMPDIR access and shows only non-read-only access to paths that do not lie within the specified inactive boot environment.

# TEMPDIR=/a; export TEMPDIR
# truss -t open /usr/sbin/pkgadd -R ${TEMPDIR} SUNWvxvm \
2>&1 > /dev/null | grep -v O_RDONLY | grep -v \

For detailed information on the commands referenced in this section, see the man pages dircmp(1), fssnap(1M), ps(1), truss(1), pkgadd(1M), pkgchk(1M), or pkgrm(1M).

Upgrade Compliance With the Custom JumpStart Program

Custom JumpStart program compliance ensures that packages can be added and removed while being part of the traditional Solaris installation utilities, which are the following:

The custom JumpStart program compliance also ensures that the package can participate in Solaris upgrades. To be custom JumpStart program-compliant, a package also must follow inactive boot environment requirements that are outlined in Custom JumpStart Program and Solaris Live Upgrade Inactive Boot Environment Requirements.

To be able to use the custom JumpStart program effectively, packages must be added or removed without the user being prompted for information. To prevent user interaction, set up a new administration file with the pkgadd command -a option. The -a option defines an installation administration file to be used in place of the default administration file. Using the default file might result in the user being prompted for more information. You can create an administration file that indicates to pkgadd that it should bypass these checks and install the package without user confirmation. For details, see the man pages, admin(4) or pkgadd(1M).

The following examples show how to use the pkgadd administration file.

The following is an example of an installation administration file that requires very little user interaction with the pkgadd utility. Unless the package requires more space than is available on the system, the pkgadd utility uses this file and installs the package without prompting the user for more information.
