Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

x86: Adding Systems to Install Over the Network By Using PXE

After you create an install server, you must set up each system that you want to install from the network. Each system that you want to install needs to find the following:

Use the following add_install_client procedure for set up an x86 client to install from the network by using PXE.

To Add a Client to Install Over the Network With DHCP
  1. On the install server, become superuser.

  2. If you use the NIS, NIS+, DNS, or LDAP name service, verify that the following information about the system to be installed has been added to the name service:

    • Host name

    • IP address

    • Ethernet address

    For more information on name services, see System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP).

  3. Change to the Tools directory on the Solaris 9 CD image on the install server:

    # cd /install_dir_path/Solaris_9/Tools

    Specifies the path to the Tools directory

  4. Set up the client system to be installed from the network.

    # ./add_install_client -d [[-s install_server:install_dir_path]] \
    [[-c jumpstart_server:jumpstart_dir_path]]   [[-p sysid_server:path]] \
      [[-t boot_image_path]] [[-b "boot-property=value"]] \
    [[-e ethernet_address]] client_name platform_group 

    Specifies that the client is to use DHCP to obtain the network install parameters. If you use the -d only, the add_install_client command sets up the installation information for client systems of the same class, for example, all x86 client machines. To set up the installation information for a specific client, use the -d with the -e option.

    For more information about class-specific installations by using DHCP, see Creating DHCP Options and Macros for Solaris Installation Parameters.

    -s install_server:install_dir_path

    Specifies the name and path to the install server.

    • install_server is the host name of the install server

    • install_dir_path is the absolute path to the Solaris 9 CD image

    -c jumpstart_server:jumpstart_dir_path

    Specifies a JumpStart directory for custom JumpStart installations. jumpstart_server is the host name of the server on which the JumpStart directory is located. jumpstart_dir_path is the absolute path to the JumpStart directory.

    -p sysid_server:path

    Specifies the path to the sysidcfg file for preconfiguring system information. sysid_server is either a valid host name or an IP address for the server that contains the file. path is the absolute path to the directory containing the sysidcfg file.

    -t boot_image_path

    Specifies the path to an alternate boot image if you want to use a boot image other than the image in the Tools directory on the Solaris 9 net installation image, CD, or DVD.


    x86 based systems only: Enables you to set a boot property variable that you want to use to boot the client from the network. The -b must be used with the -e option.

    See the eeprom(1M) man page for descriptions of boot properties.

    -e ethernet_address

    Specifies the ethernet address of the client that you want to install. This option enables you to set up the installation information to use for a specific client.

    For more information about client-specific installations by using DHCP, see Creating DHCP Options and Macros for Solaris Installation Parameters.


    Is the name of the system to be installed from the network. This name is not the host name of the install server.


    Is the platform group of the system to be installed. A detailed list of platform groups appears in Appendix C, Platform Names and Groups (Reference).

    The previous command outputs the vendor options and macros that you need to add to you DHCP server. See Creating DHCP Options and Macros for Solaris Installation Parameters for instructions about how to define these vendor options and macros in your DHCP server.

Example I–2 x86: Adding an x86 Install Client on an x86 Install Server When Using DHCP and PXE (CDs)

The following example illustrates how to add an x86 install client to an install server when you are using DHCP to set installation parameters on the network. The -d option is used to specify that clients are to use the DHCP protocol for configuration. The DHCP class name SUNW.i86pc indicates that this command applies to all Solaris x86 network boot clients, not just a single client. The -s option is used to specify that the clients are to be installed from the install server that is named rosemary. This server contains a Solaris Software 1 of 2 x86 Platform Edition CD image in /export/boot/cdx86.

For more information on how to use DHCP to set installation parameters for network installations, see “Supporting Solaris Network Installation with the DHCP Service (Task Map)” in System Administration Guide: IP Services.

x86_install_server# cd /export/boot/Solaris_9/Tools
x86_install_server# ./add_install_client -d -s rosemary:/export/home/cdx86 \
SUNW.i86pc i86pc

Example I–3 x86: Specifying a Serial Console to Use During a Network Installation (CDs)

The following example illustrates how to add an x86 install client to an install server and specify a serial console to use during the installation. This example sets up the install client in the following manner.

install server# cd /export/boot/Solaris_9/Tools
install server# ./add_install_client -d -e "00:07:e9:04:4a:bf" \
-b "input-device=ttya" -b "output-device=ttya" i86pc

For a complete description of the boot property variables that you can use with the -b option, see the eeprom(1M) man page.

Example I–4 x86: Specifying a Boot Device to Use During a Network Installation (CDs)

The following example illustrates how to add an x86 install client to an install server and specify a boot device to use during the installation. If you specify the boot device when you set up the install client, you are not prompted for this information by the Device Configuration Assistant during the installation.

This example sets up the install client in the following manner.

install server# cd /export/boot/Solaris_9/Tools
install server# ./add_install_client -d -e "00:07:e9:04:4a:bf" \
-b "input-device=ttya" -b "output-device=ttya" \
-b "bootpath=/pci@0,0/pci108e,16a8@8" i86pc

For a complete description of the boot property variables that you can use with the -b option, see the eeprom(1M) man page.