Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

Merging a Solaris Flash Archive

After you have split an archive into sections, you can combine the sections to create a new archive.

The flar combine command creates a Solaris Flash archive from individual sections. Each section is assumed to be in a separate file, the names of which are the section names. At a minimum, these three files must be present:

When combining sections, remember the following points:

flar combine [-d dir] [-u section] [-t [-p posn] [-b blocksize]] filename

-d dir

Retrieves the sections to combine from dir, rather than from the current directory.

-u section
  • If you use this option, flar copies the Cookie, Identification, Archive, and section sections. You can specify a single section name or a space-separated list of section names.

  • If you do not use this option, flar copies the Cookie, Identification, and Archive sections only.

Example 22–2 Merging a Solaris Flash Archive

In this example, an Archive Cookie section, an Archive Identification section, and an Archive Files section are combined to become a complete archive. The archive is named newarchive.flar.

# flar combine newarchive.flar 

Example 22–3 Merging a Solaris Flash Archive and Adding a User-Defined Section

In this example, an Archive Cookie section, an Archive Identification section, an Archive Files section, and a User-Defined section are combined to become a complete archive. The archive is named newarchive.flar. The User-Defined section content is in the file that is named user-defined, which is in the current directory.

# flar combine -u user_defined newarchive.flar