Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

filesys Profile Keyword (Creating Mirrored File Systems)

filesys mirror[[[:name]]]slice  [[[slice]]] size file_system optional_parameters

By using the filesys mirror keywords with the values that are listed, the JumpStart program creates the RAID-1 and RAID-0 volumes that are necessary to create a mirrored file system. You can specify filesys mirror more than once to create RAID-1 volumes (mirrors) for different file systems.

Note –

The filesys mirror keyword is only supported for initial installations.

name – This optional keyword enables you to name the RAID-1 volume (mirror.) Mirror names must start with the letter “d”, followed by a number between 0 and 127, for example, d100. If you do not specify a mirror name, the custom JumpStart program assigns a mirror name for you. For guidelines about how to name mirrors, see Volume Name Requirements and Guidelines.

slice – This value specifies the disk slice where the custom JumpStart program places the file system you want to mirror. The slice value must follow the format cwtxdysz, for example c0t0d0s0 or c0t0d0s5. The custom JumpStart program creates a RAID-0 volume (single-slice concatentation) on the slice, and creates a RAID-1 volume to mirror the concatenation. You can specify up to two slices to mirror.

size – This value specifies the size, in MBytes, of the file system.

file_system – This value specifies the file system that you are mirroring. The custom JumpStart program creates the mirror from the slices that are specified and mounts the mirror on the specified file system. In addition to critical file systems, such as root (/), /usr, and /var, you can also specify swap as the file system.

optional_parameters – One or more mount options, which is the same as the -o option of the mount(1M) command. The mount options are added to the /etc/vfstab entry for the specified file_system. If you need to specify more than one mount option, the mount options must be separated by commas and no spaces, for example, ro,quota.

For more information about creating mirrored file systems during your installation, see Chapter 10, Creating RAID-1 Volumes (Mirrors) During Installation (Overview).