Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

Create a Boot Environment

In this example, the source boot environment is named c0t4d0s0. The root (/) file system is copied to the new boot environment. Also, a new swap slice is created rather than sharing the source boot environment's swap slice.

  1. Display the character interface:

    # /usr/sbin/lu
    Figure 38–4 Solaris Live Upgrade Main Menu

    The screen capture shows Solaris Live Upgrade tasks and the Enter and Help keys.

  2. From the main menu, select Create.

    Name of Current Boot Environment:    c0t4d0s0
    Name of New Boot Environment:   c0t15d0s0 
  3. Press F3.

    Figure 38–5 Solaris Live Upgrade Configuration Menu

    The screen capture lists file systems on two boot environments and shows the keys to perform tasks.

  4. From the Configuration menu, press F2 to display the Choices menu.

  5. Choose slice 0 from disk c0t15d0 for root (/).

  6. From the configuration menu, create a new slice for swap on c0t15d0 by selecting a swap slice to be split.

  7. Press F2 to display the Choices menu.

  8. Select slice 1 from disk c0t15d0 for the new swap slice.

  9. Press F3 to create the new boot environment.