Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

layout_constraint Profile Keyword

layout_constraint slice constraint [[minimum_size]]

Note –

You can use layout_constraint only for the upgrade option when you need to reallocate disk space.

layout_constraint designates the constraint auto-layout has on a file system if auto-layout needs to reallocate space during an upgrade because of space problems.

If you do not specify the layout_constraint keyword, the JumpStart program lays out the disk as follows:

If you specify one or more layout_constraint keywords, the JumpStart program lays out the disk as follows:

You cannot change the constraint on file systems that require more space for the upgrade because the file systems must be marked changeable. You can use the layout_constraint keyword to change the minimum_size values on file systems that require more space for the upgrade.

Note –

To help auto-layout reallocate space, select more file systems to be changeable or movable, especially those file systems that are located on the same disks as the file systems that require more space for the upgrade.

sliceslice specifies the file system's disk slice on which to specify the constraint. You must specify the system's disk slice in the form cwtxdyszor cxdysz.

constraint – Use one of the following constraints for the specified file system:

minimum_size – Specifies the size of the file system after auto-layout reallocates space. The minimum_size option enables you to change the size of a file system. The size of the file system might be larger if unallocated space is added to the file system. But, the size is never less than the value you specify. The minimum_size value is optional. Use this value only if you have marked a file system as changeable and the minimum size cannot be less than what the file system needs for the existing file system contents.


layout_constraint c0t3d0s1 changeable 200

layout_constraint c0t3d0s4 movable

layout_constraint c0t3d1s3 available

layout_constraint c0t2d0s1 collapse