Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

Creating the Profile

A profile is a text file that instructs the custom JumpStart program how to install the Solaris software on a system. A profile defines elements of the installation, for example, the software group to install.

For detailed information about how to create profiles, see Creating a Profile.

To Create a Profile
  1. Create a text file on the install server. Name the file descriptively.

    Ensure that the name of the profile reflects how you intend to use the profile to install the Solaris software on a system. For example, you might name the profiles basic_install, eng_profile, or user_profile.

  2. Add profile keywords and values to the profile.

    For a list of profile keywords and values, see Profile Keywords and Values.

    Profile keywords and their values are case sensitive.

  3. Save the profile in a location that is accessible to the WAN boot server.

    Save the profile in one of the following locations.

    • If the WAN boot server and install server are hosted on the same machine, save this file to the flash subdirectory of the document root directory on the WAN boot server.

    • If the WAN boot server and install server are not on the same machine, save this file to the flash subdirectory of the document root directory of the install server.

  4. Ensure that root owns the profile and that the permissions are set to 644.

  5. (Optional) Test the profile.

    Testing a Profile contains information about testing profiles.

Example 43–6 Retrieving a Solaris Flash Archive From a Secure HTTP Server

In the following example, the profile indicates that the custom JumpStart program retrieves the Solaris Flash archive from a secure HTTP server.

# profile keywords         profile values
# ----------------         -------------------
install_type               flash_install
partitioning               explicit
filesys                    c0t1d0s0 4000 /
filesys                    c0t1d0s1 512 swap
filesys                    c0t1d0s7 free /export/home

The following list describes some of the keywords and values from this example.


The profile installs a Solaris Flash archive on the clone system. All files are overwritten as in an initial installation.


The compressed Solaris Flash archive is retrieved from a secure HTTP server.


The file system slices are determined by the filesys keywords, value explicit. The size of root (/) is based on the size of the Solaris Flash archive. The size of swap is set to the necessary size and is installed on c0t1d0s1. /export/home is based on the remaining disk space. /export/home is installed on c0t1d0s7.