Solaris 9 4/04 Installation Guide

Checking the net Device Alias in the Client OBP

To boot the client from the WAN with the boot net, the net device alias must be set to the client's primary network device. On most systems, this alias is already set correctly. However, if the alias is not set to the network device you want to use, you must change the alias..

Follow these steps to check the net device alias on the client.

To Check the net Device Alias
  1. Become superuser on the client.

  2. Bring the system to run level 0.

     # init 0

    The ok prompt is displayed.

  3. At the ok prompt, check device aliases that are set in the OBP.

    ok devalias

    The devalias command outputs information that is similar to the following example.

    screen                   /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/SUNW,m64B@2
    net                      /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@c,1
    net2                     /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@5,1
    disk                     /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@8/disk@0,0
    cdrom                    /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@d/cdrom@0,0:f
    keyboard                 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8
    mouse                    /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3062f8
    • If the net alias is set to the network device you wan to use during the installation, you do not need to reset the alias. Go to Installing Keys on the Client to continue your installation.

    • If the net alias is not set to the network device you want to use, you must reset the alias. Continue.

  4. Set the net device alias.

    Choose one of the following commands to set the net device alias.

    • To set the net device alias for this installation only, use the devalias command.

      ok devalias net device-path
      net device-path

      Assigns the device device-path to the net alias

    • To permanently set the net device alias, use the nvalias command.

      ok nvalias net device-path
      net device-path

      Assigns the device device-path to the net alias

Example 44–2 Checking and Resetting the net Device Alias

The following commands show how to check and reset the net device alias.

Check the device aliases.

ok devalias
screen                   /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/SUNW,m64B@2
net                      /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@c,1
net2                     /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@5,1
disk                     /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@8/disk@0,0
cdrom                    /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@d/cdrom@0,0:f
keyboard                 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8
mouse                    /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3062f8

If you want to use the /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@5,1 network device, type the following command.

ok devalias net /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@5,1

For more information about setting device aliases, see “The Device Tree” in OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual.