Solaris 9 4/04 Release Notes

System Administration Bugs

The following System Adminstration bugs apply to the Solaris 9 4/04 release.

cfgadm - l Command Does Not List USB Devices When Run Without Superuser Privileges (4999109)

Normally, the cfgadm -l command lists all dynamically reconfigurable hardware resources on a system, including USB devices. After you install the Solaris 9 4/04 software, the cfgadm -l command might no longer accurately list USB devices. Or, if you add the SUNWusb package by using the pkgadd command, this command might no longer accurately list USB devices.

Workaround: Choose from the following workarounds:

x86: Universal Serial Bus Architecture Modular DeBugger Not Configured Automatically When Only New Framework Is Loaded (4982529)

The Universal Serial Bus Architecture (USBA) Modular DeBugger (mdb) commands might not be automatically configured on some x86 systems.

Workaround: To access the USBA mdb commands, run the following command to load the usba mdb module manually after starting mdb:

> ::load usba

After the usba mdb module is loaded, you can obtain a list of all the USB commands by running the following command:

> ::dcmds ! grep usb

Problems Reading and Writing DVDs Greater Than 4-Gbytes on Solaris 9 4/04 Software (4908624, 4987026)

Problems are encountered when reading and writing DVDs that are greater than 4-Gbytes on the Solaris 9 4/04 software.

Note –

These problems occur on both SPARC 32-bit and x86 platforms. These problems do not occur on either of these platforms for DVDs with less than 4-Gbytes of data or on the 64–bit SPARC platform.

The same data seemingly repeats itself every 4-Gbytes. These DVDs can be mounted for reading, but some files might appear to be corrupted, while other files might be inaccessible. In addition, writes to offsets that are greater than 4-Gbytes might lead to corruption of the existing data on the DVD.

Workaround: None.

lucreate Command Fails When Mounted Storage Device Name Is a Subset of Another Mounted Storage Device or a Storage Device Used for a New Boot Environment (4912890)

When using the lucreate command to create a new boot environment, the command fails in the following instances:

The following misleading error messages are displayed:

The file system creation utility /usr/lib/fs/ufsufs/mkfs is not available.

Unable to create all required file systems for boot-environment.

Cannot make file systems for boot-environment

Workaround: Ensure that there are no file systems in use on storage devices that have device names which are subsets of other storage devices on file systems that are also in use.

If any name ambiguity exists among the mounted file systems, rename the existing Solaris Volume Management metadevices.

In the following workaround, d10 and d100 are used as an example only. Other examples of ambiguous device names could be d20 and d200, or d377 and d37, where d20 matches d200, and d377 matches d37.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Use the metarename command to rename one of the ambiguous metadevice names.

    # metarename d10 d300 

    The metadevice d10 is renamed to d300.

Note –

The file system on d10 must be unmounted before using the metarename command.

While the file system is unmounted, edit the /etc/vfstab file. Also, edit any other appropriate configuration file that contains the name of the metadevice you are renaming. Change any references of the old metadevice name to the new metadevice name.

If a process is accessing data on the file system, take the system down to single-user mode to unmount the file system. Reboot the system after making the changes.

Existence of /etc/named.conf File Causes Solaris Management Console Operations on User and Group Accounts to Fail (4777931)

If you use Solaris Management Console to perform operations on a User or Group account on a system that serves as a Domain Name Service (DNS) server, errors occur. These errors occur if the /etc/named.conf file exists on that system.

The following errors occur when you perform these operations from the graphical user interface (GUI) or when you use smuser and smgroup, which are command-line interfaces for the console.

The console launches a new dialog box or the smuser command exits with the following error messages when operated on a User:

"The attempt to view Users or Roles has failed due to an unexpected
        This was caused by the following error: CIM_ERR_FAILED."

The console launches a new dialog box or the smgroup command exits with the following error message when operated on a Group:

"Attempted Read of Group IDs failed with unexpected CIM error:
        CIM_ERR_FAILED."operations from the GUI or command-line interface.

Workaround: Choose from one of the following workarounds:

For more information, see the smuser(1M) and the smgroup(1M) man pages.

x86: Pressing the F4 Key During BIOS Bootup Fails to Boot the Service Partition (4782757)

You are booting a Sun LX50 which has a Service partition and the Solaris 9 4/04 (x86 Platform Edition) software is installed. Pressing the F4 function key to boot the Service partition, when given the option, causes the screen to go blank. The system then fails to boot the Service partition.

Workaround: Do not press the F4 key when the BIOS Bootup Screen is displayed. After a time-out period, the Current Disk Partition Information screen is displayed. Select the number in the Part# column that corresponds to type=DIAGNOSTIC. Press the Return key. The system boots the Service partition.

UltraSPARC II CP Event Message Not Always Produced (4732403)

In the Solaris 9 4/04 release, on UltraSPARC II based systems, the CP Event message that accompanies some Uncorrectable Memory Error messages is not always produced. The following systems are included:

The result is that some information needed to identify a failing CPU might not always be present.

Workaround: For the latest information, check the SunSolveSM web site at

Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 Daemon Cannot Locate com.sun Application Programming Interface Providers (4619576)

The Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon cannot locate providers that are written to the com.sun.wbem.provider interface or to the com.sun.wbem.provider20 interface. Even if you create a Solaris_ProviderPath instance for a provider that is written to these interfaces, the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon does not locate the provider.

Workaround: To enable the daemon to locate such a provider, stop and restart the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon.

# /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop

# /etc/init.d/init.wbem start

Note –

If you use the javax API to develop your provider, you do not need to stop and restart the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon. The Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon dynamically recognizes javax providers.

Some com.sun Application Programming Interface Method Invocations Fail Under XML/HTTP Transport Protocol (4497393, 4497399, 4497406, 4497411)

If you choose to use the com.sun application programming interface rather than the javax application programming interface to develop your WBEM software, only Common Information Model (CIM) remote method invocation (RMI) is fully supported. Other protocols, such as XML/HTTP, are not guaranteed to work completely with the com.sun application programming interface.

The following table lists examples of invocations that execute successfully under RMI but fail under XML/HTTP:

Method Invocation 

Error Message 








XMLERROR: ClassCastException

Cannot Modify File-System Mount Properties With Solaris Management Console Mounts and Shares Tool (4466829)

The Solaris Management Console Mounts and Shares tool cannot modify mount options on system-critical file systems such as root (/), /usr, and /var.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds:

CIM_ERR_LOW_ON_MEMORY Error Occurs When Trying to Add Data With WBEM (4312409)

The following error message is displayed when memory is low:


You cannot add more entries when the CIM Object Manager is low on memory. You must reset the CIM Object Manager Repository.

Workaround: To reset the CIM Object Manager Repository, follow these steps:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Stop the CIM Object Manager.

    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop
  3. Remove the JavaSpacesTM log directory.

    # /bin/rm -rf /var/sadm/wbem/log
  4. Restart the CIM Object Manager.

    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem start

    Note –

    When you reset the CIM Object Manager Repository, you lose any proprietary definitions in your data store. You must recompile the MOF files that contain those definitions by using the mofcomp command. See the following example:

    # /usr/sadm/bin/mofcomp -u root -p root-password your-mof-file