Solaris 9 4/04 Release Notes

Solaris Web Start Installation Program Might Fail to Clean Up Packages in Alternate Root After a Failed or Aborted Installation (4992264)

If the Solaris Web Start program is installing packages into an alternate root, and then fails or is manually aborted, the installer might not remove packages that were already installed. In addition, the installer reports that the partially installed product was uninstalled successfully.

Note –

The Solaris Web Start program installs packages by invoking the pkgadd command. If the installer program is installing software into an alternate root, the program passes the alternate root to the pkgadd command by using the -R argument.

Installation logs might indicate that some packages were successfully installed and that some packages to be uninstalled were not found.

Workaround: After rebooting the system, manually remove the packages by using the pkgrm command.