System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

How to Mount or Unmount a USB Mass Storage Device With vold Running

  1. Display device aliases for all removable mass storage devices, including USB mass storage devices.

    $ eject -n
    cdrom0 -> /vol/dev/rdsk/c0t6d0/audio_cd   (Generic CD device)
    zip0 -> /vol/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0/zip100       (USB Zip device)
    zip1 -> /vol/dev/rdsk/c2t0d0/fat32        (USB Zip device)
    rmdisk0 -> /vol/dev/rdsk/c5t0d0/unnamed_rmdisk (Peerless, HD or floppy)
    rmdisk1 -> /vol/dev/rdsk/c4t0d0/clik40    (Generic USB storage)
  2. Select one of the following to mount or unmount a USB mass storage device.

    1. Mount a USB mass storage device by using the device aliases listed previously.

      $ volrmmount -i device-alias

      This example shows how to mount a USB Zip drive (/rmdisk/zip0).

      $ volrmmount -i zip0 
    2. Unmount a USB mass storage device.

      $ volrmmount -e device-alias

      This example shows how to unmount a USB Zip drive (/rmdisk/zip0).

      $ volrmmount -e zip0
  3. Eject a USB device from a generic USB drive.

    $ eject device-alias

    For example:

    $ eject rmdisk0

    Note –

    The eject command also unmounts the device if the device is not unmounted already. The command also terminates any active applications that access the device.