System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Chapter 46 Backing Up and Restoring File Systems (Overview)

This chapter provides guidelines and planning information for backing up and restoring file systems by using the ufsdump and ufsrestore commands.

This is a list of the overview information in this chapter.

What's New in Backing Up and Restoring File Systems?

This section describes new backup and restore features in the Solaris 9 release.

UFS Snapshots

The Solaris 9 release includes the fssnap command for backing up file systems while the file system is mounted.

You can use the fssnap command to create a read-only snapshot of a file system. A snapshot is a file system's temporary image that is intended for backup operations.

For more information, see Chapter 48, Using UFS Snapshots (Tasks).

Where to Find Backup and Restore Tasks

Backup or Restore Task 

For More Information 

Back up file systems by using the ufsdump command

Chapter 47, Backing Up Files and File Systems (Tasks)

Create UFS snapshots by using the fssnap command

Chapter 48, Using UFS Snapshots (Tasks)

Restore file systems by using the ufsrestore command

Chapter 49, Restoring Files and File Systems (Tasks)

Copy files and directories by using the cpio, dd, pax, and cpio commands

Chapter 51, Copying UFS Files and File Systems (Tasks)

Definition: Backing Up and Restoring File Systems

Backing up file systems means copying file systems to removable media, such as tape, to safeguard against loss, damage, or corruption. Restoring file systems means copying reasonably current backup files from removable media to a working directory.

This chapter describes the ufsdump and ufsrestore commands for backing up and restoring UFS file systems. Other commands are available for copying files and file systems for the purpose of sharing or transporting files. The following table provides pointers to all commands that copy individual files and file systems to other media.

Table 46–1 Commands for Backing Up and Restoring Files and File Systems



For More Information 

Back up one or more file systems to a local tape device or a remote tape device 


Chapter 47, Backing Up Files and File Systems (Tasks) or Chapter 50, UFS Backup and Restore Commands (Reference)

Create read-only copies of file systems 


Chapter 48, Using UFS Snapshots (Tasks)

Back up all file systems for systems on a network from a backup server 

Solstice Backup software 

Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide

Back up and restore an NIS+ master server 

nisbackup and nisrestore

System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)

Copy, list, and retrieve files on tape or diskette 

tar, cpio, or pax

Chapter 51, Copying UFS Files and File Systems (Tasks)

Copy master disk to a clone disk 


Chapter 51, Copying UFS Files and File Systems (Tasks)

Restore complete file systems or individual files from removable media to a working directory 


Chapter 49, Restoring Files and File Systems (Tasks)

Why You Should Back Up File Systems

Backing up files is one of the most crucial system administration functions. You should perform regularly scheduled backups to prevent loss of data due to the following types of problems:

Planning Which File Systems to Back Up

You should back up all file systems that are critical to users, including file systems that change frequently. The following tables provide general guidelines on the file systems to back up for standalone systems and servers.

Table 46–2 File Systems to Back Up for Standalone Systems

File System to Back Up 


Back Up Interval 

root (/) – slice 0

This file system contains the kernel and possibly the /var directory. The /var directory might include frequently modified files such as mail and accounting files.

At regular intervals such as weekly or daily 

/usr – slice 6, /opt

The installation of new software and new commands typically affects the /usr and /opt file systems. The /opt directory is either part of root (/) or is its own file system.


/export/home – slice 7

This file system contains the directories and subdirectories of all users on the standalone system. 

More often than root (/) or /usr, perhaps as often as once a day, depending on your site's needs

/export , /var, or other file systems

During installation of Solaris software, you might have created these file systems.  

As your site requires 

Table 46–3 File Systems to Back Up for Servers

File System to Back Up 


Back Up Interval 

root (/) – slice 0

This file system contains the kernel and executables. 

Once a day to once a month depending on your site's needs.  

If you frequently add and remove users and systems on the network, you have to change configuration files in this file system. In this case, you should do a full backup of the root (/) file system at intervals between once a week and once a month.

If your site keeps user mail in the /var/mail directory on a mail server, which client systems then mount, you might want to back up root (/) daily. Or, backup the /var directory, if it is a separate file system.

/export – slice 3

This file system can contain the kernel and executables for diskless clients. 

Once a day to once a month, depending on your site's needs.  

Because the information in this file system is similar to the server's root directory in slice 0, the file system does not change frequently. You need to back up this file system only occasionally, unless your site delivers mail to client systems. Then, you should back up /export more frequently.

/usr – slice 6, /opt

An optional file system generally used to store non-system software. 

Once a day to once a month, depending on your site's needs. 

These file systems are fairly static and need to be backed up once a week to once a month.  

/export/home – slice 7

This file system contains the home directories of all the users on the system. The files in this file system are volatile. 

Once a day to once a week. 

Choosing the Type of Backup

You can perform full or incremental backups by using the ufsdump command. You can create a temporary image of a file system by using the fssnap command. The following table lists the differences between these types of backup procedures.

Table 46–4 Differences Between Types of Backups

Backup Type 





Copies a complete file system or directory

All data is in one place 

Requires large numbers of backup tapes that take a long time to write. Takes longer to retrieve individual files because the drive has to move sequentially to the point on the tape where the file is located. You might have to search multiple tapes. 


Creates a temporary image of a file system 

System can be in multiuser mode 

System performance might degrade while the snapshot is created. 


Copies only those files in the specified file system that have changed since a previous backup

Easier to retrieve small changes in file systems 

Finding which incremental tape contains a file can take time. You might have to go back to the last full backup. 

Choosing a Tape Device

The following table shows typical tape devices that are used for storing file systems during the backup process. The storage capacity depends on the type of drive and the data being written to the tape. For more information on tape devices, see Chapter 52, Managing Tape Drives (Tasks).

Table 46–5 Typical Media for Backing Up File Systems

Backup Media 

Storage Capacity  

1/2-inch reel tape 

140 Mbytes (6250 bpi) 

2.5-Gbyte 1/4–inch cartridge (QIC) tape 

2.5 Gbytes 

DDS3 4-mm cartridge tape (DAT) 

12–24 Gbytes 

14-Gbyte 8-mm cartridge tape 

14 Gbytes 

DLT 7000 1/2-inch cartridge tape 

35–70 Gbytes 

High-Level View of Backing Up and Restoring File Systems (Task Map)

Use this task map to identify all the tasks for backing up and restoring file systems. Each task points to a series of additional tasks, such as determining the type of backup to perform.



For Instructions 

1. Identify the file systems to back up 

Identify which file systems need to be backed up on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. 

Planning Which File Systems to Back Up

2. Determine the type of backup  

Determine the type of backup you need for the file systems at your site. 

Choosing the Type of Backup

3. Create the backup 

Use one of the following methods: 



If you want to have full and incremental backups of your file systems, use the ufsdump command.

Chapter 47, Backing Up Files and File Systems (Tasks)


If you want to create a snapshot of file system while it is active and mounted, consider using the fssnap command.

Chapter 48, Using UFS Snapshots (Tasks)


If you want to create a snapshot of file system while it is active and mounted, consider using the fssnap command.

Chapter 51, Copying UFS Files and File Systems (Tasks)

4. (Optional) Restore a file system 

Select the restoration method that is based on the command used to back up the files or file system: 



Restore a file system backup that was created with the ufsdump command.

Chapter 49, Restoring Files and File Systems (Tasks)


Restore a file system that was created with the tar, cpio, or pax command.

Chapter 51, Copying UFS Files and File Systems (Tasks)

5. (Optional) Restore the root (/) or /usr file system

Restoring the root (/) or /usr file system is more complicated than restoring a non critical file system. You need to boot from a local CD or from the network while these file systems are being restored.

How to Restore the root (/) and /usr File Systems

Guidelines for Scheduling Backups

A backup schedule is the schedule that you establish to run the ufsdump command. This section discusses guidelines on the factors to weigh when you create a backup schedule. This section also includes sample backup schedules.

The backup schedule that you create depends on the following:

How Often Should You Do Backups?

If you do not need to minimize time and the number of media that is used for backups, you can do full backups every day. However, this backup method is not realistic for most sites, so incremental backups are used most often. In this case, you should back up your site enough to so that you can restore files from the last four weeks. This schedule requires at least four sets of tapes, one set for each week. You would then reuse the tapes each month. In addition, you should archive the monthly backups for at least a year. Then, keep yearly backups for a number of years.

Backup Terms and Definitions

The following table describes backup terms and definitions.




Creates a temporary image of a file system. 

Full backup 

Copies a complete file system or directory.  

Incremental backup 

Copies only those files in the specified file system that have changed since a previous backup. Incremental backup types include the following: 

  • Daily, cumulative – Copies a day's worth of file changes on Monday. Then, overwrites Monday's backup with file changes from Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on.

  • Daily, incremental – Copies a day's worth of file changes so that you have distinct tapes of Monday's changes, Tuesday's changes, and so on.

  • Weekly cumulative – Copies the files that have changed during the week and includes the previous week's file changes.

  • Weekly incremental – Copies the files that have changed during the week since the previous weekly backup.

Suggestions for Scheduling Backups

The following table provides other suggestions for scheduling backups.

Table 46–6 Suggestions for Backup Schedules

File Restoration Need 

Backup Interval 


To restore different versions of files (for example, file systems that are used for word processing) 

Do daily incremental backups every working day 

Do not reuse the same tape for daily incremental backups

This schedule saves all files modified that day, as well as those files still on disk that were modified since the last backup of a lower level. However, with this schedule, you should use a different tape each day because you might otherwise be unable to restore the needed version of the file.  

For example, a file that changed on Tuesday, and again on Thursday, goes onto Friday's lower-level backup appearing as it did Thursday night, not Tuesday night. If a user needs the Tuesday version, you cannot restore it unless you have a Tuesday backup tape (or a Wednesday backup tape). Similarly, a file that is present on Tuesday and Wednesday, but removed on Thursday, does not appear on the Friday lower-level backup. 

To quickly restore a complete file system 

Do lower-level backups more frequently. 


To back up a number of file systems on the same server 

Consider staggering the schedule for different file systems. 

This way you're not doing all level 0 backups on the same day. 

To minimize tapes 

Increase the level of incremental backups that are done across the week.  

Only changes from day to day are saved on each daily tape. 


Increase the level of backups that are done at the end of the week. Put each day's and week's incremental backups onto the same tape. 

Only changes from week to week (rather than the entire month) are saved on the weekly tapes. 


Put each day's and week's incremental backups onto the same tape. 

To do so, use the no rewind option of the ufsdump command, such as specifying /dev/rmt/0n.

Using Dump Levels to Create Incremental Backups

The dump level you specify in the ufsdump command (0–9) determines which files are backed up. Dump level 0 creates a full backup. Levels 1–9 are used to schedule incremental backups, but have no defined meanings. Levels 1–9 are just a range of numbers that are used to schedule cumulative or discrete backups. The only meaning levels 1–9 have is in relationship to each other, as a higher or lower number. A lower dump number always restarts a full or a cumulative backup. The following examples show the flexibility of the incremental dump procedure using levels 1–9.

Example—Dump Levels for Daily, Cumulative Backups

Doing daily, cumulative incremental backups is the most commonly used backup schedule and is recommended for most situations. The following example shows a schedule that uses a level 9 dump Monday through Thursday, and a level 5 dump on Friday to restart the process.

Figure 46–1 Incremental Backup: Daily Cumulative

Illustration shows increasing amount of tape needed for a daily cumulative backup that starts on Monday and finishes on Friday.

In the preceding example, you could have used other numbers in the 1–9 range to produce the same results. The key is using the same number Monday through Thursday, with any lower number on Friday. For example, you could have specified levels 4, 4, 4, 4, 2 or 7, 7, 7, 7, 5.

Example—Dump Levels for Daily, Incremental Backups

The following example shows a schedule where you capture only a day's work on different tapes. This type of backup is referred to as a daily, incremental backup. In this case, sequential dump level numbers are used during the week (3, 4, 5, 6) with a lower number (2) on Friday. The lower number on Friday restarts the processing.

Figure 46–2 Incremental Backup: Daily Incremental

Illustration shows approximately equal amount of tape needed for a daily discrete backup that starts on Monday and finishes on Friday.

In the preceding example, you could have used the sequence 6, 7, 8, 9 followed by 2, or 5, 6, 7, 8 followed by 3. Remember, the numbers themselves have no defined meaning. You attribute meaning by ordering them in a specified sequence, as described in the examples.

Sample Backup Schedules

This section provides sample backup schedules. All schedules assume that you begin with a full backup (dump level 0), and that you use the -u option to record each backup in the /etc/dumpdates file.

Example—Daily Cumulative, Weekly Cumulative Backups

Table 46–7 shows the most commonly used incremental backup schedule. This schedule is recommended for most situations. With this schedule, the following occurs:

Table 46–7 Daily Cumulative or Weekly Cumulative Backup Schedule







1st of Month 






Week 1 


Week 2 


Week 3 


Week 4 


The following table shows how the contents of the tapes can change across two weeks with the daily cumulative, weekly cumulative schedule. Each letter represents a different file.

Table 46–8 Contents of Tapes for Daily Cumulative/Weekly Cumulative Backup Schedule






Week 1  

a b 

a b c 

a b c d 

a b c d e 

a b c d e f 

Week 2  

g h 

g h i 

g h i j 

a b c d e f g h i j k 

Tape Requirements for the Daily Cumulative, Weekly Cumulative Schedule

With this schedule, you need six tapes if you want to reuse daily tapes. However, you need nine tapes if you want to use four different daily tapes:

If you need to restore a complete file system, you need the following tapes:

Example—Daily Cumulative, Weekly Incremental Backups

The following table shows a schedule where each weekday tape accumulates all files that changed since the beginning of the week, or the initial level 0 backup for the first week. In addition, each Friday's tape contains all the files that changed that week.

Table 46–9 Daily Cumulative, Weekly Incremental Backup Schedule







1st of Month 






Week 1 


Week 2 



Week 3 


Week 4 


The following table shows how the contents of the tapes can change across two weeks with the daily cumulative, weekly incremental backup schedule. Each letter represents a different file.

Table 46–10 Contents of Tapes for Daily Cumulative, Weekly Incremental Backup Schedule






Week 1  

a b 

a b c 

a b c d 

a b c d e 

a b c d e f 

Week 2  

g h 

g h i 

g h i j 

g h i j k 

Tape Requirements for the Daily Cumulative, Weekly Incremental Backup Schedule

With this schedule, you need six tapes if you want to reuse daily tapes. However, you need nine tapes if you want to use four different daily tapes:

If you need to restore a complete file system, you need the following tapes:

Example—Daily Incremental, Weekly Cumulative Backups

The following table shows a schedule where each weekday tape contains only the files that changed since the previous day. In addition, each Friday's tape contains all files changed since the initial level 0 backup at the beginning of the month.

Table 46–11 Daily Incremental, Weekly Cumulative Backup Schedule







1st of Month 






Week 1  


Week 2  


Week 3  


Week 4 


The following table shows how the contents of the tapes can change across two weeks with the daily incremental, weekly cumulative schedule. Each letter represents a different file.

Table 46–12 Contents of Tapes for Daily Incremental, Weekly Cumulative Backup Schedule






Week 1  

a b 

c d 

e f g 


a b c d e f g h i 

Week 2 


j k l 

n o 

p q 

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s 

Tape Requirements for Daily Incremental, Weekly Cumulative Schedule

With this schedule, you need at least 9 tapes if you want to reuse daily tapes, which is not recommended. Preferably, you need 21 tapes if you save weekly tapes for a month: one tape for the level 0, four tapes for the Fridays, and four or 16 daily tapes.

If you need to restore the complete file system, you need the following tapes:

Example—Monthly Backup Schedule for a Server

The following table shows an example backup strategy for a heavily used file server on a small network where users are doing file-intensive work, such as program development or document production. This example assumes that the backup period begins on a Sunday and consists of four seven-day weeks.

Table 46–13 Example of Monthly Backup Schedule for a Server



Dump Level 

Tape Name 

root (/)

1st Sunday 

n tapes


1st Sunday 

n tapes


1st Sunday 

n tapes


1st Sunday 

n tapes


1st Monday 


1st Tuesday 


1st Wednesday 


1st Thursday 


1st Friday 


1st Saturday 

root (/)

2nd Sunday 

n tapes


2nd Sunday 

n tapes


2nd Sunday 

n tapes


2nd Sunday 

n tapes


2nd Monday 



2nd Tuesday 



2nd Wednesday 



2nd Thursday 



2nd Friday 


2nd Saturday 


root (/)

3rd Sunday 

n tapes


3rd Sunday 

n tapes


3rd Sunday 

n tapes


3rd Sunday 

n tapes


3rd Monday 


3rd Tuesday 



3rd Wednesday 



3rd Thursday 


3rd Friday 


3rd Saturday 

root (/)

4th Sunday 

n tapes


4th Sunday 

n tapes


4th Sunday 

n tapes


4th Sunday 

n tapes


4th Monday 


4th Tuesday 


4th Wednesday 


4th Thursday 


4th Friday 


4th Saturday 

With this schedule, you use 4n tapes, the number of tapes needed for 4 full backups of the root (/), /usr, /export, and /export/home file systems. Also, you need 24 additional tapes for the incremental backups of the /export/home file systems. This schedule assumes that each incremental backup uses one tape and that you save the tapes for a month.

Here's how this schedule works:

  1. On each Sunday, do a full backup (level 0) of the root (/), /usr, /export, and /export/home file systems. Save the level 0 tapes for at least three months.

  2. On the first Monday of the month, use tape A to do a level 9 backup of the /export/home file system. The ufsdump command copies all files changed since the previous lower-level backup. In this case, the previous lower-level backup is the level 0 backup that you did on Sunday.

  3. On the first Tuesday of the month, use tape B to do a level 9 backup of the /export/home file system. Again, the ufsdump command copies all files changed since the last lower-level backup, which is Sunday's level 0 backup.

  4. On the first Wednesday of the month, use tape C to do a level 5 backup of the /export/home file system. The ufsdump command copies all files that changed since Sunday.

  5. Do the Thursday and Friday level 9 backups of the /export/home file system on tapes D and E. The ufsdump command copies all files that changed since the last lower-level backup, which is Wednesday's level 5 backup.

  6. On the first Saturday of the month, use tape F to do a level 5 backup of /export/home. The ufsdump command copies all files changed since the previous lower-level backup (in this case, the level 0 backup you did on Sunday). Store tapes A-F until the first Monday of the next four-week period, when you use them again.

  7. Repeat steps 1–6 for the next three weeks, using tapes G–L and 4n tapes for the level 0 backup on Sunday, and so on.

  8. For each four-week period, repeat steps 1–7, using a new set of tapes for the level 0 backups and reusing tapes A–X for the incremental backups. The level 0 tapes could be reused after three months.

    This schedule lets you save files in their various states for a month. This plan requires many tapes, but ensures that you have a library of tapes to draw upon. To reduce the number of tapes, you could reuse Tapes A–F each week.