System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Example—Restoring Specific Files Noninteractively

The following example shows how to noninteractively restore the passwd and shadow files to the /var/tmp directory.

# cd /var/tmp
# ufsrestore xvf /dev/rmt/0 ./etc/passwd ./etc/shadow
Verify volume and initialize maps
Media block size is 126
Dump   date: Mon Oct 06 12:36:10 2003
Dumped from: the epoch
Level 9 dump of / on starbug:/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0
Label: none
Extract directories from tape
Initialize symbol table.
Make node ./etc
Extract requested files
You have not read any volumes yet.
Unless you know which volume your file(s) are on you should start
with the last volume and work towards the first.
Specify next volume #:1
extract file ./etc/passwd
extract file ./etc/shadow
Add links
Set directory mode, owner, and times.
set owner/mode for `.'? [yn] n
# cd etc
# mv passwd /etc
# mv shadow /etc
# ls -l /etc