man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions
 la_activity — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_i86_pltenter — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_objopen — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_objsearch — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_pltexit — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_pltexit64 — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_preinit — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_sparcv8_pltenter — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_sparcv9_pltenter — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_symbind32 — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_symbind64 — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 la_version — runtime linker auditing functions ( Index Term Link )
 layout transformation — m_transform_layout ( Index Term Link )
 layout transformation for wide character strings — m_wtransform_layout ( Index Term Link )
 ld_atexit — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_atexit64 — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_file — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_file64 — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_input_done — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_input_section — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_input_section64 — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_section — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_section64 — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_start — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_start64 — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_support — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 ld_version — link-editor support functions ( Index Term Link )
 lgamma — log gamma function ( Index Term Link )
 lgamma_r — log gamma function ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_affinity_get — get of set lgroup affinity ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_affinity_set — get of set lgroup affinity ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_children — get children of given lgroup ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_cookie_stale — determine whether snapshot of lgroup hierarchy is stale ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_cpus — get CPU IDs contained in specified lgroup ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_fini — finished using lgroup interface ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_home — get home lgroup ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_init — initialize lgroup interface ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_latency — get latency between two lgroups ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_nlgrps — get number of lgroups ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_parents — get parents of given lgroup ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_root — return root lgroup ID ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_version — coordinate library and application versions ( Index Term Link )
 lgrp_view — get view of lgroup hierarchy ( Index Term Link )
 libdevinfo — library of device information functions ( Index Term Link )
 libnvpair — library of name—value pair functions ( Index Term Link )
 libpicl — PICL interface library ( Index Term Link )
 libpicltree — PTree and Plug-in Registration interface library ( Index Term Link )
 library for TNF probe control in a process or the kernel — libtnfctl ( Index Term Link )
 library of device information functions — libdevinfo ( Index Term Link )
 library of name—value pair functions — libnvpair ( Index Term Link )
 libtnfctl — library for TNF probe control in a process or the kernel ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_atexit64 ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_atexit ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_file64 ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_file ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_input_done ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_input_section64 ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_input_section ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_section64 ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_section ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_start64 ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_start ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_support ( Index Term Link )
 link-editor support functions — ld_version ( Index Term Link )
 load exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number — scalb ( Index Term Link )
 load exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number — scalbn ( Index Term Link )
 log — natural logarithm function ( Index Term Link )
 log gamma function — gamma ( Index Term Link )
 log gamma function — gamma_r ( Index Term Link )
 log gamma function — lgamma ( Index Term Link )
 log gamma function — lgamma_r ( Index Term Link )
 log10 — base 10 logarithm function ( Index Term Link )
 log a message in system log — picld_log ( Index Term Link )
 log1p — compute natural logarithm ( Index Term Link )
 logb — radix-independent exponent ( Index Term Link )