System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

The named.local File

The named.local file specifies the address for the local loopback interface, or localhost, with the network address The name of this file is specified in the configuration file. Like other files, you can give it a name other than the name used in this manual.

Setting Up the named.local File

The named.local file sets up the local loopback interface for your name server.

Example 5–18 Sample named.local File

$TTL 5h
; SOA rec IN SOA (
                          1997071401       ;  serial number (YYYYMMDD##)            
                           10800           ;  refresh every 3 hours
                           10800           ;  retry every 3 hours
                           604800          ;  expire after a week
                           86400 )         ;  TTL of 1 day
; Name Servers      IN  NS
1                          IN  PTR  localhost.

A named.local file contains these elements: