Solaris 9 9/04 Release Notes

Chapter2 Solaris Runtime Issues

This chapter describes runtime issues that are known to be problems.

HardwareRelated Issue and Bugs

The following hardwarerelated issue and bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Supported USB Devices and Corresponding Hub Configurations

This Solaris release supports both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 devices. The following table is a summary of USB devices that work in specific configurations. Connection types can either be direct to the computer or through a USB hub. Note that USB 1.1 devices and hubs are low speed or full speed. USB 2.0 devices and hubs are high speed. For details about ports and speeds of operation, see the System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems.

Table 21 USB Devices and Configurations

USB Devices 

Connection Types 

USB 2.0 storage devices 

Direct, USB 1.1 hub, USB 2.0 hub 

USB 1.1 devices except audio 

Direct, USB 1.1 hub, USB 2.0 hub 

USB 1.1 audio devices 

Direct, USB 1.1 hub 

USB 2.0 audio devices 

Not supported 

Erasing a Tape in an HP StorageWorks DAT 72 Tape Drive Generates an Error (5067923)

An I/O error occurs when you use the magnetic tape control utility to erase a tape in an HP StorageWorks DAT 72 tape drive. When you type mt -f /dev/rmt/x erase, the process continues up to the default timeout of three hours. Then the process stops and the following error message is displayed:

/dev/rmt/x erase 1 failed: I/O error

Workaround: To avoid the error, add the following entry in the kernel/drv/st.conf file:

tape-config-list= "HP C7438A", "HP DAT-72", "CFGHPDAT72";
CFGHPDAT72 = 2,0x34,0,0x18659,4,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,1,120,

Some Systems With USB 2.0 Hardware Might Hang or Panic (5030842)

Systems with certain USB 2.0 hardware might frequently hang or panic when running this Solaris release. These problems are associated with USB 2.0 devices that are not based on the NEC chip set. When these problems occur, the system generates error messages that involve Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI).

Workaround: Depending on your system's hardware configuration, choose one of the following options:


USB 2.0 ports are operated by two companion hardware pieces:

On x86 based systems, drivers for both OHCI and UHCI exist. On SPARC based systems, only OHCI USB 1.1 host controller hardware is supported. Therefore, only USB hardware with OHCI companion controllers continue to work on SPARC systems whose companion EHCI controller is disabled. Ports of the USB hardware remain operational even with EHCI disabled, provided that your system has the proper OHCI or UHCI drivers. USB 2.0 devices that are connected to these ports run only as fast as a USB 1.1 device.

To verify whether EHCI and OHCI host controllers exist on your SPARC based systems, type:

# prtconf -D

Check the output for EHCI entries next to one or more OHCI entries, similar to the following example:

pci, instance #0 (driver name: pci_pci)
usb, instance #0 (driver name: usba10_ohci)
usb, instance #1 (driver name: usba10_ohci)
usb, instance #0 (driver name: usba10_ehci)

Smart Card Bugs

The following Smart Card bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 OS.

System Does Not Respond to Smart Card (4415094)

If ocfserv terminates and the display is locked, the system remains locked even when a smart card is inserted or removed.

Workaround: Perform the following steps to unlock your system:

  1. Perform a remote login to the machine on which the ocfserv process was terminated.

  2. Become superuser.

  3. Kill the dtsession process by typing the following in a terminal window.

    # pkill dtsession

ocfserv restarts and smart card login and capability are restored.

Edit Config File Menu Item in Smartcards Management Console Does Not Work (4447632)

The Edit Config File menu item in the Smartcards Management Console does not edit smart card configuration files that are located in /etc/smartcard/ If the menu item is selected, a warning is displayed which indicates not to continue unless requested by technical support.

Workaround: Do not use the Edit Config File menu item in the Smartcards Management Console. For information on smart card configuration, see the Solaris Smartcard Administration Guide.

Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Bugs

The following CDE bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 OS.

Motif Tear-Off Menus Cannot Be Closed (5051929)

Motif tear-off menus cannot be closed after you have completed the tear-off steps. For example, the problem occurs when you perform the following steps:

  1. Choose the File menu from the CDE Calendar Manager.

  2. Choose the dotted line at the top of the menu.

    The File menu is re-created as an independent dialog box that contains buttons for each menu item.

Using the window manager menu to close the tear-off menu does not work. If you minimize the application, the tear-off menu is also iconified but does not completely close. The menu closes only if you exit the application.

Workaround: Do not use tear-off menus.

SPARC: Some UTF-8 Locales Are Unavailable in the Common Desktop Environment Login Service (5042573)

The following UTF-8 locales are missing when the login server starts and the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) login service is launched:

Workaround: To use these locales, log in to any other UTF-8 locale. Then, set the LC_ALL variable at the command line. For example:

export LC_ALL=ar_SA.UTF-8


The workaround applies only to SPARC based systems. These locales are unavailable in x86 based systems.

CDE Removable Media Auto Run Capability Removed (4634260)

The Removable Media auto run capability in the CDE desktop environment has been temporarily removed from the Solaris 9 9/04 software.

Workaround: To use the auto run function for a CD-ROM or another removable media volume, you must do one of the following:

SPARC: dtmail Crashes When Launched From the Command Line if FontList Option Is Specified (4677329)

dtmail crashes after connecting with the IMAP server if the FontList option is specified when dtmail is launched from the command line. See the following example:

/usr/dt/bin/dtmail -xrm "Dtmail*FontList: -*-r-normal-*:"

The following error message is displayed:

Segmentation Fault

This problem occurs in both the C and ja locales.

Workaround: Do not specify the FontList option when you launch dtmail from the command line.

CDE Mailer Appears to Hang While Displaying Email With Long Lines (4418793)

If you try to read an email message with many long lines in any of the Solaris 9 9/04 Unicode or UTF-8 locales, CDE Mailer (dtmail) appears to hang. The message does not display immediately.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds:

Solaris PDASync Cannot Delete Last Entry From the Desktop (4260435)

After you delete the last item from the desktop, the item is restored from the handheld device to the desktop when you synchronize your handheld device. Examples of items that you might delete, and then have restored, are the last appointment in your Calendar or the last address in the Address Manager.

Workaround: Manually delete the last entry from the handheld device prior to synchronization.

Solaris PDASync Does Not Support Data Exchange With the Multibyte Internationalized PDA Device (4263814)

If you exchange multibyte data between a PDA device and Solaris CDE, the data might be corrupted in both environments.

Workaround: Back up your data on your personal computer with the PDA backup utility before you run the SolarisTM PDASync application. If you accidentally exchange multibyte data and corrupt that data, restore your data from the backup.

GNOME 2.0 Issues and Bugs

The following information pertains to the GNOME 2.0 desktop.

GNOME 2.0 Documentation

For release notes and troubleshooting information for the GNOME 2.0 desktop, see the following documents at

System Administration Bugs

The following System Administration bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

SPARC: Panics That Occur During Suspend and Resume Cycles Might Cause the System to Hang (5062026)

A system panic that occurs while you are performing a suspend-and-resume (cpr) cycle might cause the system to hang. More typically, this problem is observed in Sun BladeTM 2000 workstations that have the XVR-1000 graphics accelerator installed. Rarely, other SPARC based systems might similarly hang during a panic. When the panic occurs, the core dump is not saved, and no prompt appears on the console. The problem might be more prevalent if the kernel debugger (kadb) is active.

Workaround: To restore the system to a usable state, manually reboot the system.

SPARC: Suspend and Resume Module Might Cause a System Panic (5042241)

If you use the cpr module to suspend and then resume the system, a system panic might result. An error message similar to the following example is displayed:

panic[cpu2]/thread=2a100337d40: pcisch2 (pci@9,700000): 
consistent dma sync timeout

Workaround: Do not start suspend and resume operations on systems that support this feature.

SPARC: Stopping the System by Using Keyboard Sequences Might Cause a System Panic (5061679)

If you attempt to stop the system by pressing keyboard sequences such as Stop-A or L1-A, the system might panic. An error message similar to the following example is displayed:

panic[cpu2]/thread=2a100337d40: pcisch2 (pci@9,700000): 
consistent dma sync timeout

Workaround: Do not use keyboard sequences to force the system to enter OpenBootTM PROM.

Locale Administrator Tool Does Not Install Traditional Chinese Locales Properly (5032377)

The locale administrator tool does not completely install Traditional Chinese locales on the system. The error occurs because the tool fails to install the SUNWhjmfp package. For example, you type the following command:

# localeadm -a zh_tw path_to_image

While installing the SUNWhjmfp package, the locale administrator tool stops processing. The following error message is displayed:

pkgadd: ERROR: no package associated with UNWhjmfp>
There was an error adding package UNWhjmfp to the system.

Workaround: Before adding the Traditional Chinese locales, perform the following steps:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Change to the /usr/sadm/lib/localeadm/ directory.

  3. Open the Locale_config_S9.txt file.

  4. Search for an instance of UNWhjmfp that is not preceded by the letter S.

  5. Change this text from UNWhjmfp to SUNWhjmfp.

  6. Install the Traditional Chinese locales.

    # localeadm -a zh_tw path_to_image

Alternatively, apply the following patches depending on your system's platform:

x86: Universal Serial Bus Architecture Modular DeBugger Not Configured Automatically When Only New Framework Is Loaded (4982529)

The Universal Serial Bus Architecture (USBA) Modular DeBugger (mdb) commands might not be automatically configured on some x86 systems.

Workaround: To access the USBA mdb commands, run the following command to load the usba mdb module manually after starting mdb:

> ::load usba

After the usba mdb module is loaded, you can obtain a list of all the USB commands by running the following command:

> ::dcmds ! grep usb

Installation of Locales Fails if Solaris Installation CDs Are Used (4967742)

The Locale Administrator tool (localeadm) fails to set up new locales if you use the Solaris Installation CDs to install the necessary packages. The failure occurs as you are installing packages from the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD. The tool does not automatically eject the 1 of 2 CD. Consequently, you cannot insert the next CD to continue the installation.

Workaround: To install the packages for your locale, use the Solaris DVD or a network installation image. If neither is available, then perform the following steps:

  1. Obtain the list of the Solaris packages that are needed to set up the locale you are installing.

    % localeadm -v -q option

    option is the name of the region or locale that you are setting up. For example, for the Western European region, type weu for the option.

    A list of packages is displayed in the order in which these packages are found in the Installation CDs, as follows:

    • Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD

    • Solaris Software 2 of 2 CD

    • Languages CD

  2. Copy the listed packages from the respective CDs to a directory on the machine or the network. To determine the exact path to these packages in each CD, use the find command.

  3. Rerun the localeadm command to install these packages. The source directory is the directory to which you copied the packages in the previous step.

Problems Reading and Writing DVDs Greater Than 4-Gbytes on Solaris 9 9/04 Software (4908624, 4987026)

Problems are encountered when reading and writing DVDs that are greater than 4-Gbytes on the Solaris 9 9/04 software.


These problems occur on both SPARC 32-bit and x86 platforms. These problems do not occur on either of these platforms for DVDs with less than 4-Gbytes of data or on the 64bit SPARC platform.

The same data seemingly repeats itself every 4-Gbytes. These DVDs can be mounted for reading, but some files might appear to be corrupted, while other files might be inaccessible. In addition, writes to offsets that are greater than 4-Gbytes might lead to corruption of the existing data on the DVD.

Workaround: None.

x86: Pressing the F4 Key During BIOS Bootup Fails to Boot the Service Partition (4782757, 5051157)

You are booting a Sun LX50 which has a Service partition and the Solaris 9 9/04 (x86 Platform Edition) software is installed. Pressing the F4 function key to boot the Service partition, when given the option, causes the screen to go blank. The system then fails to boot the Service partition.

Workaround: Do not press the F4 key when the BIOS Bootup Screen is displayed. After a time-out period, the Current Disk Partition Information screen is displayed. Select the number in the Part# column that corresponds to type=DIAGNOSTIC. Press the Return key. The system boots the Service partition.

Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 Daemon Cannot Locate com.sun Application Programming Interface Providers (4619576)

The Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon cannot locate providers that are written to the com.sun.wbem.provider interface or to the com.sun.wbem.provider20 interface. Even if you create a Solaris_ProviderPath instance for a provider that is written to these interfaces, the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon does not locate the provider.

Workaround: To enable the daemon to locate such a provider, stop and restart the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon.

# /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop

# /etc/init.d/init.wbem start


If you use the javax API to develop your provider, you do not need to stop and restart the Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon. The Solaris WBEM Services 2.5 daemon dynamically recognizes javax providers.

Some com.sun Application Programming Interface Method Invocations Fail Under XML/HTTP Transport Protocol (4497393, 4497399, 4497406, 4497411)

If you choose to use the com.sun application programming interface rather than the javax application programming interface to develop your WBEM software, only Common Information Model (CIM) remote method invocation (RMI) is fully supported. Other protocols, such as XML/HTTP, are not guaranteed to work completely with the com.sun application programming interface.

The following table lists examples of invocations that execute successfully under RMI but fail under XML/HTTP:

Method Invocation 

Error Message 








XMLERROR: ClassCastException

Cannot Modify File-System Mount Properties With Solaris Management Console Mounts and Shares Tool (4466829)

The Solaris Management Console Mounts and Shares tool cannot modify mount options on system-critical file systems such as root (/), /usr, and /var.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds:

Solaris Volume Manager Issue

The following Solaris Volume Manager issue applies to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Solaris Volume Manager metattach Command Might Fail

If you have a Solaris Volume Manager mirrored root (/) file system in which the file system does not start on cylinder 0, all submirrors you attach must also not start on cylinder 0.

If you attempt to attach a submirror starting on cylinder 0 to a mirror in which the original submirror does not start on cylinder 0, the following error message is displayed:

can't attach labeled submirror to an unlabeled mirror

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds:


By default, the JumpStart installation process starts swap at cylinder 0 and the root (/) file system somewhere else on the disk. Common system administration practice is to start slice 0 at cylinder 0. Mirroring a default JumpStart installation with root on slice 0, but not cylinder 0, to a typical secondary disk with slice 0 that starts at cylinder 0, can cause problems. This mirroring results in an error message when you attempt to attach the second submirror. For more information about the default behavior of Solaris installation programs, see the Solaris 9 9/04 Installation Guide.

Solaris Volume Manager Bugs

The following Solaris Volume Manager bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Hot Spares Do Not Work Correctly When Solaris Volume Manager RAID-1 (Mirror) or RAID-5 Volumes Are Created in Disk Sets Built on Soft Partitions (4981358)

If you create a Solaris Volume Manager RAID-1 (mirror) or RAID-5 volume in a disk set that is built on top of a soft partition, hot spare devices do not work correctly.

Problems that you might encounter include, but are not limited to, the following:

Solaris Volume Manager metadevadm Command Fails if Logical Device Name No Longer Exists (4645721)

You cannot replace a failed drive with a drive that has been configured with the Solaris Volume Manager software. The replacement drive must be new to Solaris Volume Manager software. If you physically move a disk from one slot to another slot on a Sun StorEdgeTM A5x00, the metadevadm command fails. This failure occurs when the logical device name for the slice no longer exists. However, the device ID for the disk remains present in the metadevice replica. The following message is displayed:

Unnamed device detected. Please run 'devfsadm  metadevadm -r to resolve.


You can access the disk at the new location during this time. However, you might need to use the old logical device name to access the slice.

Workaround: Physically move the drive back to its original slot.

Solaris Volume Manager metarecover Command Fails to Update metadb Namespace (4645776)

If you remove and replace a physical disk from the system, and then use the metarecover -p -d command to write the appropriate soft partition specific information to the disk, an open failure results. The command does not update the metadevice database namespace to reflect the change in disk device identification. The condition causes an open failure for each such soft partition that is built on top of the disk. The following message is displayed:

Open Error

Workaround: Create a soft partition on the new disk instead of using the metarecover command to recover the soft partition.


If the soft partition is part of a mirror or RAID 5, use the metareplace command without the -e option to replace the old soft partition with the new soft partition.

# metareplace dx mirror or RAID 5 old_soft_partition new_soft_partition

Networking Bug

The following Networking bug applies to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Configuring Multiple Tunnels Between Two IP Nodes With Filtering Enabled Might Result in Packet Loss (4152864)

If you configure multiple IP tunnels between two IP nodes, and enable ip_strict_dst_multihoming or other IP filters, packet loss might result.

Workaround: Choose one of the following:

Documentation CD Issues

The following Documentation CD issues apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Documentation Links Do Not Work Properly

In the iPlanetTM Directory Server 5.1 Collection (Solaris Edition), links titled DocHome do not work. In addition, links between separate books do not work. If you select these links, your browser displays a Not Found error.

Workaround: To navigate between iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 documents on your system, go to the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Collection (Solaris Edition) page at Click the link to the document you want to view.

SUNWsdocs Package Needed to Remove Other Documentation Packages

If you remove the SUNWsdocs package, then try to remove other documentation packages, the removal fails. This problem occurs because the SUNWsdocs package is installed with any collection and provides the browser entry point.

Workaround: If you removed the SUNWsdocs package, reinstall the SUNWsdocs package from the documentation media and then remove the other documentation packages.

Documentation CD Bugs

The following Documentation CD bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

European Locale PDF Documents Available Only Through C Locale (4674475)

In the Solaris 9 9/04 software and other systems based on UNIX, PDF documents on the Solaris 9 9/04 Documentation 1 of 2 CD are not accessible in the following European locales:

This problem occurs because of a limitation with Adobe Acrobat Reader. For more information on this problem, see the Adobe Technote site at

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

Removing Solaris 9 9/04 Documentation Packages Might Unexpectedly Uninstall Some Solaris 9 9/04 Documentation Collections (4641961)

Some Solaris 9 9/04 documentation collections might be unexpectedly removed from your system under the following circumstances:

  1. You install both the Solaris 9 9/04 Documentation 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 CDs on your system.

  2. You then use the prodreg utility or the Solaris 9 9/04 Documentation CD installer program to remove certain documentation packages.

The Solaris 9 9/04 Documentation CD 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 have three collections in common. If you remove the packages that contain these collections from either of the Solaris 9 9/04 Documentation 1 of 2 or 2 of 2 CD installations, the package is removed for both installations.

The following table lists the packages that might be removed unexpectedly.

Table 22 Solaris 9 9/04 Documentation Packages Contained on Both Solaris 9 9/04 Documentation CDs

HTML Package Names 

PDF Package Names 

Collection Description 



Solaris 9 System Administrator Collection 



Solaris 9 Developer Collection 



iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Collection 

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds:

Localization Issue

The following is a Localization issue that applies to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Hardware for Estonian Keyboard Type 6, French Canadian Keyboard Type 6, and Polish Programmers Keyboard Type 5 Not Available

Software support for three additional keyboard layouts has been added to the Solaris 9 software for this release: Estonian keyboard Type 6, French Canadian keyboard Type 6, and Polish programmers keyboard Type 5.

This software gives users in Estonia, Canada, and Poland greater flexibility for keyboard input by modifying standard U.S. keyboard layouts to their own language needs.

Currently, no hardware is available for the three additional keyboard layout types.

Workaround: To take advantage of this new keyboard software, modify the /usr/openwin/share/etc/keytables/ file in one of the following ways:

Localization Bugs

The following Localization bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Sort Capability in the European UTF-8 Locales Does Not Function Correctly (4307314)

The sort capability in the European UTF-8 locales does not work properly.

Workaround: Before you attempt to sort in a FIGGS UTF-8 locale, set the LC_COLLATE variable to the ISO1 equivalent.

# echo $LC_COLLATE
>  es_ES.UTF-8
# LC_COLLATE=es_ES.IS08859-1
# export LC_COLLATE

Then start sorting.

Sun ONE Application Server Bugs

The following Sun ONE Application Server bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Default Browser Is Incompatible With Sun ONE Application Server 7 (4741123)

When you attempt to use the Sun ONE Application Server Administrative UI with the Solaris 9 9/04 software default browser, the following error message is displayed:

Unsupported Browser: Netscape 4.78

It is recommended that you upgrade your browser to Netscape 4.79 or 
Netscape 6.2 (or later) to run the Sun One Application Server 
Administrative UI. Those who choose to continue and not upgrade may
notice degraded performance or unexpected behavior.


If you are running the version of Sun ONE Application Server Administrative UI that is included in the Solaris 9 9/04 release, use Netscape 4.79 or Netscape 7.0 software.

Workaround: Use /usr/dt/appconfig/SUNWns/netscape instead of /usr/dt/bin/netscape.

Sun ONE Directory Server (Formerly iPlanet Directory Server) Issues

The following issues pertains to the Sun ONE Directory Server processes and tasks.

Setup Issue

When typing a Distinguished Name (DN) during installation, use the UTF-8 character set encoding. Other encodings are not supported. Installation operations do not convert data from local character set encoding to UTF-8 character set encoding. Lightweight Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) files that are used to import data must also use UTF-8 character set encoding. Import operations do not convert data from local character set encoding to UTF-8 character set encoding.

Schema Issues

The schema provided with the Sun Open Net Environment (Sun ONE) Directory Server (formerly iPlanet Directory Server) 5.1 differs from the schema that is specified in RFC 2256 for the groupOfNames and groupOfUniquenames object classes. In the schema provided, the member and uniquemember attribute types are optional. RFC 2256 specifies at least one value for these types must be present in the respective object class.

The aci attribute is an operational attribute that is not returned in a search, unless you explicitly request the attribute.

Replication Issue

Multimaster replication over a wide area network (WAN) is currently not supported.

Server Plug-In Issues

Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 provides the user identification number (UID) Uniqueness plug-in. By default, the plug-in is not activated. To ensure attribute uniqueness for specific attributes, create a new instance of the Attribute Uniqueness plug-in for each attribute. For more information on the Attribute Uniqueness plug-in, refer to the iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrator's Guide at

The Referential Integrity plug-in is now off by default. To avoid conflict resolution loops, the Referential Integrity plug-in should only be enabled on one master replica in a multimaster replication environment. Before enabling the Referential Integrity plug-in on servers that issue chaining requests, analyze your performance resource, time, and integrity needs. Integrity checks can consume significant memory and CPU resources.

Roles and Class of Service Issue

The nsRoleDN attribute is used to define a role. This attribute should not be used for evaluating role membership in a user's entry. When evaluating role membership, look at the nsrole attribute.

Indexing Issue

If virtual list view (VLV) indexes encompass more than one database, the VLV indexes do not work correctly.

Sun ONE Directory Server Bugs

The following Sun ONE Directory Server bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Cannot Inactivate Users Through Console (4521017)

If you launch the Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 Console and create a new user or new role as inactive, the newly created user or newly created role is not inactivated. Users and roles cannot be created through the Console as inactive.

Workaround: To create an inactive user or inactive role, follow these steps:

  1. Create the new user or new role.

  2. Double-click the newly created user or newly created role. Or, select the newly created user or newly created role. Click the Properties item from the Object menu.

  3. Click the Account tab.

  4. Click the Inactivate button.

  5. Click OK.

The newly created user or newly created role is inactivated.

Cannot Configure Directory With a Root Suffix That Contains Spaces (4526501)

If you specify a base DN that contains a space, for example, o=U.S. Government,C=US at Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 configuration time, the resulting DN is truncated to Government,C=US. At configuration time, the DN should be typed as o=U.S.%20Government,C=US.

Workaround: To correct the base DN entry, follow these steps:

  1. Select the top directory entry in the left side of the navigation pane of the Servers and Applications tab on the Console.

  2. Edit the suffix in the User directory subtree field.

  3. Click OK.

Password Policy Information Is Not Synchronized Between Servers (4527608)

If you update a nonmaster directory server with password policy information, the information is not replicated to all other servers. This information includes account lockouts.

Workaround: Manage password policy information manually on each server.

Account Lockout Remains Effective After the User Password Is Changed (4527623)

If Account Lockout is effective and the user password is changed, Account Lockout remains effective.

Workaround: Reset the accountUnlockTime, passwordRetryCount, and retryCountResetTime lockout attributes to unlock the account.

Console Backup Done Immediately After Installation Fails (4531022)

If you install the Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1, start the console, initialize the directory with an LDIF file, and then back up the server, the Console reports the backup was successful. However, the backup has actually failed.

Workaround: Perform the following tasks from the Console after you initialize the database:

  1. Stop the server.

  2. Restart the server.

  3. Perform the backup.

Server Ignores Case-Sensitive Syntax When Normalizing DN Attributes (4630941, 4933500)

You cannot use the LDAP naming services to create automount path names that are identical, with the exception of case results in nonunique path names. The directory server does not allow creation of entries if the naming attribute is defined with case-sensitive syntax, and an entry already exists with the same name, but a different case.

For example, /home/foo and /home/Foo paths cannot coexist.

If entry attr=foo,dc=mycompany,dc=com exists, the server does not allow the creation of attr=Foo,dc=mycompany,dc=com. A corollary of this problem is when LDAP naming services are used, automount path names have to be unique, regardless of their case.

Workaround: None.

Stopping the Server During Export, Backup, Restore, or Index Creation Crashes the Server (4678334)

If the server is stopped during export, backup, restore or index creation, the server crashes.

Workaround: Do not stop the server during these types of operations.

Replication Unable to Use Self-Signed Certificate (4679442)

If you attempt to configure replication over SSL with certificate-based authentication, replication does not work if either of the following conditions exist:

Workaround: None.

Security Issue

The following security issue applies to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Nonpassword Logins Fail With pam_ldap Enabled

After the account management PAM module for LDAP (pam_ldap) is enabled, users must have passwords to log in to the system. Consequently, nonpassword-based logins fail, including those logins that use the following tools:.

Workaround: None.

UFS File System Bug

The following UFS File System bugs apply to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

SPARC: Using fssnap on a Multiterabyte UFS File System Does Not Work (4836824)

Using the fssnap command to create a snapshot of a UFS file system that is greater than 1 Tbyte in size is not supported in the Solaris 9 9/04 release. The following error message is displayed:

fssnap: Fatal: File system /dir/snapshot0 support large files.

Workaround: None.