Solaris 9 9/04 Release Notes

x86: X Server Unable to Open Mouse Device in Sun LX50 Servers (5027771)

On a Sun LX50 system, the X server might be unable to open a PS/2 mouse device. The error might occur either during installation or when the system reboots. When the problem occurs, the following error message is displayed:

ddxSUNWmouse: Error opening mouse device '/dev/kdmouse;
     /dev/kdmouse: No such device or address

Consequently, the Solaris installation program can proceed only in command-line interface mode. After installation, the problem might persist during Solaris runtime.

Workaround: On the Y-cable that connects to the server's PS/2 connector, switch the connections between the PS/2 keyboard and mouse.

If the PS/2 mouse remains unrecognized after a system reboot, press the LX50 server's Reset button. Alternatively, use the reconfigure option (b -r) when the following boot prompt appears:

Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: