Solaris 9 9/04 Release Notes

Installation Bugs That Occur After an Upgrade

The following installation bugs occur after you upgrade to the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

CDE Localization Packages Not Upgraded Properly (5073099)

When you upgrade your system to the Solaris 9 9/04 operating system, the following CDE localization packages are not upgraded:

To determine if this problem affects your system, run the pkgchk -n command after you upgrade the system. If the following error messages are displayed in the output, you must manually remove and add the CDE localization packages to your system.

Checking Package SUNWmeadt
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/he/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
Checking Package SUNWnafdt
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/ar/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
Checking Package SUNWnamdt
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/en_US.ISO8859-15/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
Checking Package SUNWneudt
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/da_DK.ISO8859-15/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/fi_FI.ISO8859-15/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
Checking Package SUNWseudt
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/el_GR.ISO8859-7/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/pt_PT.ISO8859-15/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
Checking Package SUNWweudt
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/en_GB.ISO8859-15/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/en_IE.ISO8859-15/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/nl_BE.ISO8859-15/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/config/nl_NL.ISO8859-15/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow
     pathname does not exist

Workaround: After you upgrade the system, upgrade these localized packages by following these steps:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Remove the packages.

    # pkgrm SUNWmeadt SUNWnafdt SUNWnamdt SUNWneudt \
    SUNWseudt SUNWweudt
  3. Change to the directory that contains the Solaris 9 9/04 versions of these packages.

    # cd path_to_image

    For example, to access these packages on the Solaris 9 9/04 Software 1 of 2 CD, insert the Solaris 9 9/04 Software 1 of 2 CD in the media drive. Then type the following command.

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/Product

  4. Add the packages to your system.

    # pkgadd -d . SUNWmeadt SUNWnafdt SUNWnamdt SUNWneudt \
    SUNWseudt SUNWweudt

SPARC: After Upgrading or Applying Recommended Patches, Problems With SAM-FS/QFS Occur (5003346)

The SAM-FS/QFS daemons do not start and the file systems are unmountable if you performed either of the following operations:

The error occurs because system call 181 that the daemons normally use is being used by a different module. The module was introduced by the patch that you had just applied. The following error messages are recorded in /var/adm/messages:

 Jan  5 13:28:46 host genunix: [ID 147998 kern.warning] WARNING: system 
 call entry 181 is already in use
 Jan  5 13:28:46 host samfs: [ID 798779 kern.warning] WARNING: SAM-FS: 
 modload(samsys) failed.

In addition, the following error messages are also recorded in /var/adm/sam-log:

 Jan  5 13:30:08 host sam-fsd[355]: [ID 617651 local4.alert] Fatal error -
 samsys module not loaded
 Jan  5 13:30:08 host sam-fsd[355]: [ID 765074 local4.alert]   Correct 
 problem and 'kill -HUP 355'

Perform the following steps:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Issue a grep of 181 from the modinfo output to determine if 181 is in use by another module:

    # modinfo | grep 181
         8  1181aa0   38c4   1   1  TS (time sharing sched class)
        15  11b1092   181a  12   1  sad (STREAMS Administrative Driver ')
        43  1295cd8    ce9 181   1  ssc050 (SSC050 i2c device driver: v1.4)
       158 7813a87f   181c  95   1  cpc (cpc sampling driver v1.10)
       158 7813a87f   181c 179   1  cpc (cpc sampling system call)
       158 7813a87f   181c 179   1  cpc (32-bit cpc sampling system call)

    Because system call 181 is used by another module, configure samsys to use another unused system call value.

  3. Edit /etc/name_to_sysnum by changing samsys to use 182 or some other unused value from 0-255.

    samsys			182
  4. Boot the system to reconfigure samsys.

    # shutdown -y -g0 -i0

    OK> boot -r

  5. Verify that the error messages no longer appear in /var/adm/messages and that all SAM-FS file systems can mount.

SPARC: Removing Patches After Upgrade Might Corrupt WBEM Repository (4820614)

The WBEM Repository Common Information Model (CIM) database can be corrupted under the following conditions:

If the WBEM Repository is corrupted, the following error message is displayed in the Solaris Management Console Log Viewer:

ERR_EXC_SET_CLASS,CIM_ERR_FAILED:Other Exception: invalid stream header

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds: