Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide

Configuring the Solaris Volume Manager SNMP Agent

The Solaris Volume Manager SNMP agent is not enabled by default. Use the following procedure to enable SNMP traps.

Whenever you upgrade your Solaris operating system, you will probably need to edit the/etc/snmp/conf/enterprises.oid file and append the line in Step 6 again, then restart the Solaris Enterprise Agents server.

After you have completed this procedure, your system will issue SNMP traps to the host or hosts that you specified. You will need to use an appropriate SNMP monitor, such as Solstice Enterprise Agents software, to view the traps as they are issued.

Set the mdmonitord command to probe your system regularly to help ensure that you receive traps if problems arise. See Configuring the mdmonitord Command for Periodic Error Checking. Also, refer to Monitoring Solaris Volume Manager With a cron Job for additional error-checking options.

ProcedureHow to Configure the Solaris Volume Manager SNMP Agent

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Move the /etc/snmp/conf/mdlogd.rsrc– configuration file to /etc/snmp/conf/mdlogd.rsrc.

    # mv /etc/snmp/conf/mdlogd.rsrc- /etc/snmp/conf/mdlogd.rsrc
  3. Edit the /etc/snmp/conf/mdlogd.acl file to specify which hosts should receive SNMP traps. Look in the file for the following:

            trap = {
                    trap-community = SNMP-trap
                    hosts = corsair
                        enterprise = "Solaris Volume Manager"
                        trap-num = 1, 2, 3

    Change the line that containshosts = corsair to specify the host name that you want to receive Solaris Volume Manager SNMP traps. For example, to send SNMP traps to lexicon, you would edit the line to hosts = lexicon. If you want to include multiple hosts, provide a comma-delimited list of host names, as in hosts = lexicon, idiom.

  4. Also edit the /etc/snmp/conf/snmpdx.acl file to specify which hosts should receive the SNMP traps.

    Find the block that begins with trap = and add the same list of hosts that you added in the previous step. This section might be commented out with #'s. If so, you must remove the # at the beginning of the required lines in this section. Additional lines in the trap section are also commented out, but you can leave those lines alone or delete them for clarity. After uncommenting the required lines and updating the hosts line, this section could look like this:

    # trap parameters #
    trap = {
            trap-community = SNMP-trap
            hosts =lexicon
              enterprise = "sun"
              trap-num = 0, 1, 2-5, 6-16
    #       {
    #         enterprise = "3Com"
    #         trap-num = 4
    #       }
    #       {
    #         enterprise = "snmp"
    #         trap-num = 0, 2, 5
    #       }
    #  }
    #  {
    #       trap-community = jerry-trap
    #       hosts = jerry, nanak, hubble
    #       {
    #         enterprise = "sun"
    #         trap-num = 1, 3
    #       }
    #       {
    #         enterprise = "snmp"
    #         trap-num = 1-3
    #       }

    Note –

    Make sure that you have the same number of opening and closing brackets in the /etc/snmp/conf/snmpdx.acl file.

  5. Add a new Solaris Volume Manager section to the /etc/snmp/conf/snmpdx.acl file, inside the section you that uncommented in the previous step.

            trap-community = SNMP-trap
            hosts = lexicon
              enterprise = "sun"
              trap-num = 0, 1, 2-5, 6-16
                enterprise = "Solaris Volume Manager"
                trap-num = 1, 2, 3

    Note that the added four lines are placed immediately after the enterprise = “sun” block.

  6. Append the following line to the /etc/snmp/conf/enterprises.oid file:

    "Solaris Volume Manager"                           ""
  7. Stop and restart the Solstice Enterprise Agents server.

    # /etc/init.d/init.snmpdx stop
    # /etc/init.d/init.snmpdx start