Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide

Understanding Boot Time Warnings

After mirroring your root (/) file system, error messages will be displayed in the console and logged in the system log (as defined in /etc/syslog.conf). These error messages do not indicate a problem—they show up for each device type that you are not currently using, because an unused module cannot be force loaded. The error messages look similar to the following:

Jul 13 10:17:42 ifr genunix: [ID 370176 kern.warning] WARNING: forceload of 
    misc/md_trans failed
Jul 13 10:17:42 ifr genunix: [ID 370176 kern.warning] WARNING: forceload of 
    misc/md_raid failed
Jul 13 10:17:42 ifr genunix: [ID 370176 kern.warning] WARNING: forceload of 
    misc/md_hotspares failed

You can safely disregard these warning messages.