System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

How to Remove an Unsigned Solaris Patch

You can use the smpatch command, the patchrm command, or Solaris Management Console's Patch Manager if you need to remove an unsigned Solaris patch.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Remove the patch.

    # patchrm patch-ID-revision


    # /usr/sadm/bin/smpatch remove patch-ID-revision
  3. Verify that the patch was removed.

    # patchadd -p | grep patch-ID-revision

Examples—Removing an Unsigned Solaris Patch

The following example shows how to remove the Solaris 8 patch, 111879–01 with the patchrm command.

# patchrm 111879-01

Checking installed patches...

Backing out patch 111879-01...

Patch 111874-02 has been backed out.

# showrev -p | grep 111879-01

The following example shows how to remove a Solaris 9 patch with the smpatch remove command.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smpatch remove -i 115028-01
Authenticating as user: root