System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

Adjusting Printer Port Characteristics

The printer port characteristics set by the LP print service must be compatible with the printer communication settings. If the default printer port settings provided by the LP print service do not work with a printer, refer to the printer manual from the manufacturer to find out what settings the printer requires from the LP print service. Use the stty command to set and display printer communication settings.

The following table shows the default stty settings used by the LP print service.

Table 7–1 stty Default Settings Used by the LP Print Service




Set baud to 9600 


Set 8-bit bytes 


Send one stop bit per byte 


Do not generate parity 


Enable XON/XOFF (also known as START/STOP or DC1/DC3) 


Do “output post-processing” using all the settings that follow in this table 


Do not map lowercase to uppercase 


Change line feed to carriage return/line feed 


Do not change carriage returns into line feeds 


Output carriage returns even at column 0 


No delay after line feeds 


No delay after carriage returns 


No delay after tabs 


No delay after backspaces 


No delay after vertical tabs 


No delay after form feeds 

How to Adjust the Printer Port Characteristics

  1. Log in as superuser, lp, or assume an equivalent role on the print server.

  2. Adjust the printer port characteristics.

    # lpadmin -p printer-name -o "stty=options"

    -p printer-name

    Name of the printer for which you are adjusting the port characteristics. 

    -o "stty=options

    Sets the port characteristic (stty option) specified by options. You can change more than one stty option setting with this command. Enclose each option in single quotation marks and use a space to separate the options. For a complete list of options, see stty(1). Table 7–1 shows the default stty settings used by the LP print service.

  3. Verify that the printer port characteristics have been changed.

    # lpstat -p printer-name -l

Examples—Adjusting the Printer Port Characteristics

The following example shows how to set the port characteristics for the printer luna. The parenb option enables parity checking/generation, parodd sets odd parity generation, and cs7 sets the character size to 7 bits.

# lpadmin -p luna -o "stty='parenb parodd cs7'"

The following example shows how to set the terminal baud rate to 19200 for the printer venus.

# lpadmin -p venus -o "stty=19200"