Solaris 9 9/05 HW Release Notes

Bugs You Need to Know About Before Installing Solaris 9 9/05 HW Software

This section contains installation bugs that you should be aware of before installing the Solaris 9 9/05 HW software.

DVD GUI Interactive Flash Retrieval with ftb Does Not Work If Password Had Special Characters (6452743)

This flash retrieval fails only for DVD GUI interactive flash installations if the password contains the special characters "@" ("at" sign) and " ' " (single quote). There is no problem with any of the other special characters.

Workaround:Choose a new password without the "@" or " ' " special characters.

SVM Mirror Panics for Solaris 9 9/05 and Hangs for Solaris 9 9/05 HW on Sun Fire V240 and V440 Servers and Sun Blade 2000 Workstations (6456542)

SVM mirror creation fails or sometimes the installer hangs in the middle of installation. If installation is successful, a panic results after reboot. The following error messages are displayed:

Creation of SVM Metadb -- Hangs

— or —

Panic after reboot

Workaround:Create SVM volumes after the installation is complete.

SPARC: Installing Sun Net Connect 3.1 Service Fails on Sun Fire V1280 Servers (6284815)

The installation of SunSM Net Connect 3.1 from the Extra Value directory fails on Sun FireTM V1280 servers. The Sun Net Connect installation program incorrectly evaluates the capabilities of the Sun Fire V1280 server as a field-replaceable unit (FRU). Consequently, the installation fails and all installed Sun Net Connect packages are removed. The following error message is recorded in the installation logs:

Error: pkgadd failed for SUNWfrunc

Workaround: Download the most recent version of the SRS Net Connect service from

x86: PXE Network Installation Hangs on Systems With Adaptec Ultra-160 SCSI Interface (5039573)

If you use the Intel Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) to perform a network installation on a system with an Adaptec Ultra-160 SCSI interface, the installation hangs. An error similar to the following message might be displayed:

Error: Unable to Find Device Driver
The device driver, cadp160.bef, is missing.

In the previous example, the cadp160.bef driver is not found on the system. The name of the affected driver might differ on your system.

This error occurs if the system BIOS sets the Adaptec Ultra-160 interface to use the same interrupt request (IRQ) as the system network interface card (NIC).

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

x86: X Server Unable to Open Mouse Device in Sun LX50 Servers (5027771)

On a Sun LX50 system, the X server might be unable to open a PS/2 mouse device. The error might occur either during installation or when the system reboots. When the problem occurs, the following error message is displayed:

ddxSUNWmouse: Error opening mouse device '/dev/kdmouse;
     /dev/kdmouse: No such device or address

Consequently, the Solaris installation program can proceed only in command-line interface mode. After installation, the problem might persist during Solaris runtime.

Workaround: On the Y-cable that connects to the server's PS/2 connector, switch the connections between the PS/2 keyboard and mouse.

If the PS/2 mouse remains unrecognized after a system reboot, press the LX50 server's Reset button. Alternatively, use the reconfigure option (b -r) when the following boot prompt appears:

Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter:

SPARC: Installing Custom JumpStart Software With the re-preinstall Command Fails (5017239)

The re-preinstall command fails to install custom JumpStart software. The failure occurs because the fsck command cannot update the UFS log for file systems that have read-only permissions.

For example, you type the following command:

# /usr/sbin/install.d/re-preinstall cXt XdXsX

After the system is rebooted, the following error message is displayed:

fsck of device failed, re-preinstall needs to be re-run.
syncing file systems... done
Program terminated

Workaround: Choose one of the following options. You must be superuser to perform either workaround.

Cannot Access Data on Solaris 9 9/05 HW DVD When Running Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 7 Software (4511090)

If your system is running the Solaris 2.6 or the Solaris 7 software, Volume Management incorrectly mounts the Solaris 9 9/05 HW DVD. The DVD can be mounted, but the data is inaccessible. As a result, you cannot set up an install server, perform a Live Upgrade, or access any data on the media.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds: