C H A P T E R  6

Using Startup Command-Line Options

The runide startup scripts can be run with additional command-line options.

You can use the options in the following ways:

The IDE reads the jstudio.conf file before parsing any command-line options. You can type options on multiple lines in the jstudio.conf file.

The following table lists the runide command-line options.

TABLE 6-1 IDE Startup Options



--help or -h

Prints a description of the available options and their usage.

--jdkhome jdk-home-dir

Specifies the location of a J2SE platform other than the default that was specified during installation.

--cp:p additional-classpath

Prefixes the specified class path onto the IDE's class path.

--cp:a additional-classpath

Appends the specified class path to the IDE's class path.

--userdir IDE-user-dir

Specifies the IDE-user-dir (the location where your user settings are stored).

If this option is not specified, the default location is used. See About the Java Studio Enterprise IDE User Directory.


Passes specified flags directly to the Javatrademark Virtual Machine (JVMtrademark) software.

Tells the JVM software not to verify the correctness of the bytecode, thereby providing for faster startup time. Setting this flag removes some of protection that the Java language gives you. Refer to the JVM software documentation for more information.

Sets the initial heap size of the JVM software to 24 MB. This flag prevents the JVM software from extending the heap size during startup, thereby providing a faster startup time.

Sets the heap size to 96 MB, which is the maximum Java heap size.

Sets the thread stack size.

--laf UI_class_name

Sets the specified UI class as the look and feel class of the IDE.

The following are two examples of look and feel classes: com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel and javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel.

--fontsize size

Sets the font size, expressed in points, in the user interface of the IDE. The default value is 11.