Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Release Notes

Known Directory Editor Issues

This section lists known issues. Known issues are associated with a change request number.


Directory Editor displays a configurable number of results for a search, with the default being 25. If a search returns more entries than the maximum number to display, refine the search to return fewer results.


When deploying on Sun Java Enterprise System Application Server 8, an error file is written. Also, login fails.

To work around this issue, ensure the following grant statement is included in the Server.policy file:

grant codeBase "file:${de.home}/-" {
  permission "getLoginConfiguration";
  permission "setLoginConfiguration";
  permission "createLoginContext.SunDirectoryLogin";
  permission "modifyPrincipals";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";

Use the grant statement shown here. The grant statement shown in Sun Java System Directory Editor 1 2005Q1 Installation and Configuration Guide is incorrect.


When deploying on Tomcat 5.5, login fails due to a missing JAAS configuration file.

To work around this issue, first create tomcat-install-path/bin/ containing the following line:


Next create tomcat-install-path/conf/jaas.conf. Edit the file to contain the following lines:

SunDirectoryLogin {
 com.sun.dml.auth.SunDirectoryLoginModule required;

Directory Editor does not retain changes made to the Default User Form, Create. The issue occurs when the application container, where Directory Editor runs, is restarted before the changes have been validated.

To work around this limitation, do not restart the application container after restoring the configuration. Instead login, validate the Managed Directory setup under the Configure tab, save, and login again.


An application error appears after you save and continue beyond the startup page when running Directory Editor on Application Server in a locale other than English.

To work around this issue, start Application Server in the English locale on UNIX systems. On Windows systems, try restarting Application Server several times.


When you click the Help button in Directory Editor deployed in Application Server, the wrong help content is displayed.

To work around this issue, edit WEB-INF/sun-web.xml to correspond to the following, and then restart Application Server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD 
 Sun ONE Application Server 7.0 Servlet 2.3//EN"
    <class-loader delegate="false"/>

Installation of Directory Editor using the script has been seen to fail on HP-UX systems.

To work around this issue, install Directory Editor first on another system, then deploy the resulting de.war file in the web application container on your HP-UX system.


When deployed in Application Server running in a locale other than English, Directory Editor does not render English for en or en_US browser settings.

To work around this issue, issue the following commands.

# cd /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/de/config
# cp

When logged in as a user having multibyte characters in the user ID, you cannot edit your directory information. When you click Edit My Directory Information, you are presented with a blank page.


When you login to Directory Editor running in a locale other than English as a generic user, the Home and Change My Directory Password pages are not localized.


When you install Directory Editor in a locale other than English on Apache Tomcat on Windows, error pages are shown during configuration, save, and refresh operations.


When you install Directory Editor in a locale other than English, installer labels are not displayed properly.

To work around this issue, change to the English locale on UNIX systems before running the installer. On Windows systems, switch the locale to English using Control Panel > Regional Options before running the installer.


When accessing Directory Editor through Internet Explorer 6 running in the Spanish locale, garbage characters appear in the online help.


Directory Editor does not allow you to view multiple suffixes through the same instance.

To work around this issue, install additional instances of Directory Editor either in additional application servers or in separate domains on the same application server.