Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Release Notes

Known Problems and Limitations in Directory Server

This section lists known problems and limitations at the time of release.

Directory Server Limitations

This section lists product limitations. Limitations are not always associated with a change request number.

Do not change file permissions by hand.

Changes to file permissions for installed Directory Server Enterprise Edition product files can in some cases prevent the software from operating properly. Only change file permissions when following instructions in the product documentation, or following instructions from Sun support.

To workaround this limitation, install products as a user having appropriate user and group permissions.

Do not replicate the cn=changelog suffix.

Although nothing prevents you from setting up replication for the cn=changelog suffix, doing so can interfere with replication. Do not replication the cn=changelog suffix.

On Windows 2003 systems, do not use software installed with dsee_deploy from the zip distribution in the German locale.

Instead, when running on Windows 2003 in the German locale, install from native packages using the Java ES distribution.

Database cache may be outdated after failover on Sun Cluster.

When Directory Server runs on Sun Cluster, and nsslapd-db-home-directory is set to use a directory that is not shared, multiple instances share database cache files. After a failover, the Directory Server instance on the new node uses its potentially outdated database cache files.

To work around this limitation, either use a directory for nsslapd-db-home-directory that is shared, or systematically remove the files under nsslapd-db-home-directory at Directory Server startup.

The wrong SASL library is loaded when LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /usr/lib.

When LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /usr/lib, the wrong SASL library is used, causing the dsadm command to fail after installation.

Use the LDAP replace operation to change cn=config attributes.

An LDAP modify operation on cn=config can only use the replace sub-operation. Any attempt to add or delete an attribute will be rejected with DSA is unwilling to perform, error 53. While Directory Server 5 accepted adding or deleting an attribute or attribute value, the update was applied to the dse.ldif file without any value validation, and the DSA internal state was not updated until the DSA was stopped and started.

Note –

The cn=config configuration interface is deprecated. Where possible use the dsconf command instead.

To work around this limitation, the LDAP modify replace sub-operation can be substituted for the add or delete sub-operation. No loss in functionality occurs. Furthermore, the state of the DSA configuration is more predictable following the change.

On Windows systems, Directory Server does not allow Start TLS by default.

This issue affects server instances on Windows systems only. This issue is due to performance on Windows systems when Start TLS is used.

To work around this issue, consider using the -P option with the dsconf command to connect using the SSL port directly. Alternatively, if your network connection is already secured, consider using the -e option with the dsconf command. The option lets you connect to the standard port without requesting a secure connection.

Replication update vectors may reference retired servers.

After you remove a replicated Directory Server instance from a replication topology, replication update vectors can continue to maintain references to the instance. As a result, you might encounter referrals to instances that no longer exist.

The Common Agent Container is not started at boot time.

To work around this issue when installing from native packages, use the cacaoadm enable command as root.

Enabling password expiration can cause mass expiration.

Directory Server now updates the pwdChangedTime operational attribute whenever a password is modified. As this attribute is updated even before you enable password expiration, old passwords expire immediately when you enable password expiration.

An additional condition can cause immediate expiration when you run Directory Server in version 5 password policy mode. If you enabled password expiration in the past, and then turned expiration off, Directory Server still has timestamps on passwordExpirationTime operational attributes. Therefore, when you enable password expiration again, passwords with old passwordExpirationTime operational attributes can expire immediately.

You can give users grace logins to change their password with pwdGraceAuthNLimit. Alternatively, when running Directory Server in version 5 compatible mode for password policy, you can configure Directory Server to warn users before their passwords expire. Set passwordExpireWithoutWarning to off. Also, set passwordWarning appropriately.

max-thread-per-connection-count is not useful on Windows systems.

The Directory Server configuration property max-thread-per-connection-count does not apply for Windows systems.

A Microsoft Windows bug shows service startup type as disabled.

A Microsoft Windows 2000 Standard Edition bug causes the Directory Server service to appear as disabled after the service has been deleted from Microsoft Management Console.

Known Directory Server Issues

This section lists known issues. Known issues are associated with a change request number.


Directory Server has been seen to crash when the server is stopped while performing online export, backup, restore, or index creation.


When entries are imported from LDIF, Directory Server does not generate createTimeStamp and modifyTimeStamp attributes.

LDIF import is optimized for speed. The import process does not generate these attributes. To work around this limitation, add rather than import the entries. Alternatively, preprocess the LDIF to add the attributes before import.


The pwdChangedTime attribute and usePwdChangedTime attribute are defined in Directory Server 5 2004Q2, 2005Q4, and the current version. These attributes are not defined in earlier versions. When an entry is defined with password expiration in a version where these attributes are defined, the entry contains the pwdChangedTime attribute and usePwdChangedTime attribute. When that entry is replicated to a supplier that runs an earlier version, the supplier cannot process any modifications to that entry. A schema violation error occurs because the supplier does not have the pwdChangedTime attribute in its schema.

Note –

usePwdChangedTime is no longer used. Instead, the operational attribute pwdChangedTime is updated whenever the password is modified.

To work around this issue, define the pwdChangedTime attribute and usePwdChangedTime attribute in the 00core.ldif file. You must define these attributes for all servers in the replication topology that run a version that does not define these attributes. The attribute type definitions are as follows.

attributeTypes: (
 NAME 'pwdChangedTime'
 DESC 'Directory Server defined password policy attribute type'
 USAGE directoryOperation
 X-DS-USE 'internal'
 X-ORIGIN 'Sun Directory Server' )

attributeTypes: (
 NAME 'usePwdChangedTime'
 DESC 'Directory Server defined attribute type'
 X-DS-USE 'internal'
 X-ORIGIN 'Sun Directory Server' )

Do not migrate new servers to the new password policy while older servers are still present in the replication topology.


Demoting a replica to be a dedicated, read-only consumer, then promoting the server again can break replication.


If you use a zero-length password to bind to a directory, your bind is an anonymous bind. This bind is not a simple bind. Third party applications that authenticate users by performing a test bind might exhibit a security hole if such applications are not aware of this behavior.


Some Directory Server error messages refer to the Database Errors Guide, which does not exist. If you cannot understand the meaning of a critical error message that is not documented, contact Sun support.


When removing software, the dsee_deploy uninstall command does not stop or delete existing server instances.

To work around this limitation, follow the instructions in the Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Installation Guide.


Directory Server has been seen to retain pwdFailureTime values on a consumer replica, even after the attribute values have been cleared on the supplier replica. The values remain after the modification of userPassword has been replicated.


When installing software from the zip distribution, do not use the -N (--no-cacao) option if you intend subsequently to manage servers with Directory Service Control Center. The Common Agent Container cannot be installed separately later.


The dsconf accord-repl-agmt command cannot align authentication properties of the replication agreement when SSL client authentication is used on the destination suffix.

    To work around this issue, store the supplier certificate in the configuration on the consumer, following these steps. The examples command shown are based on two instances on the same host.

  1. Export the certificate to a file.

    The following example shows how to perform the export for servers in /local/supplier and /local/consumer.

    $ dsadm show-cert -F der -o /tmp/supplier-cert.txt /local/supplier defaultCert
    $ dsadm show-cert -F der -o /tmp/consumer-cert.txt /local/consumer defaultCert
  2. Exchange the client and supplier certificates.

    The following example shows how to perform the exchange for servers in /local/supplier and /local/consumer.

    $ dsadm add-cert --ca /local/consumer supplierCert /tmp/supplier-cert.txt
    $ dsadm add-cert --ca /local/supplier consumerCert /tmp/consumer-cert.txt
  3. Add the SSL client entry on the consumer, including the supplierCert certificate on a usercertificate;binary attribute, with the proper subjectDN.

  4. Add the replication manager DN on the consumer.

    $ dsconf set-suffix-prop suffix-dn repl-manager-bind-dn:entryDN
  5. Update the rules in /local/consumer/alias/certmap.conf.

  6. Restart both servers with the dsadm start command.


Directory Service Control Center sorts values as strings. As a result, when you sort numbers in Directory Service Control Center, the numbers are sorted as if they were strings.

An ascending sort of 0, 20, and 100 results in the list 0, 100, 20. A descending sort of 0, 20, and 100 results in the list 20, 100, 0.


Directory Server instances with multibyte names can not be registered in Directory Service Control Center.

To work around this issue, configure the Common Agent Container as follows.

# cacaoadm stop
# cacaoadm set-param java-flags="-Xms4M -Xmx64M -Dfile.encoding=utf-8"
# cacaoadm start

Directory Server does not correctly parse ACI target DNs containing escaped quotes or a single escaped comma. The following example modifications cause syntax errors.

 (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "testQuotes";
 allow (all) userdn ="ldap:///self";)
dn:o=Example Company\, Inc.,dc=example,dc=com
aci:(target="ldap:///o=Example Company\, Inc.,dc=example,dc=com")
 (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "testComma";
 allow (all) userdn ="ldap:///self";)

Examples with more than one comma that has been escaped have been observed to parse correctly, however.


The dpconf command has been seen to display the Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password: prompt twice when used in interactive mode.


When running server management commands in the French locale, some messages displayed by the commands are missing apostrophes.


Directory Service Control Center does not allow you to manage PKCS#11 external security devices or tokens.


SASL authentication has been seen to fail on Windows systems when SASL encryption is used.


Directory Service Control Center fails to generate a self-signed certificate when you specify the country.


Directory Service Control Center does not properly display userCertificate binary values.


The configuration attribute name, passwordRootdnMayBypassModsCheck, does not reflect that the server now allows any administrator to bypass password syntax checking when modifying another user's password when the attribute is set.


Do not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before installing from the zip distribution or using the dsadm command.


The Directory Service Control Center feature that allows you to copy the configuration of an existing server does not allow you to copy the plug-in configuration.


On Windows systems, the dsconf command has been seen to fail to import LDIF with double-byte characters in the LDIF file name.

To work around this issue, change the LDIF file name so that it does not contain double-byte characters.


When using a browser running in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean locales, logs generated by Directory Service Control Center when creating a server instance contain garbage.

To work around this issue perform the following commands on the Common Agent Container where the new server instance is to be created.

cocaoadm stop
cacaoadm set-param java-flags="-Xms4M -Xmx64M -Dfile.encoding=utf-8"
cacaoadm start

The dsadm enable-service command does not work correctly with Sun Cluster.


When using a browser running in the French locale, duplicate apostrophes appear in Directory Service Control Center.


The dsee_deploy command has been seen to hang while registering the Monitoring Framework component into the Common Agent Container.


The supportedSSLCiphers attribute on the root DSE lists NULL encryption ciphers not actually supported by the server.


Unless you start Directory Server at least once, the dsadm enable-service fails to restart Directory Server upon system reboot.


Neither Directory Service Control Center nor the dsconf command allows you to configure how Directory Server handles invalid plug-in signatures. Default behavior is to verify the plug-in signatures, but not to require that they are valid. Directory Server logs a warning for invalid signatures.

To change the server behavior, adjust the ds-require-valid-plugin-signature and ds-verify-valid-plugin-signature attributes on cn=config. Both attributes take either on or off.


Directory Service Control Center does not allow you to browse a suffix that is configured to return a referral to another suffix.


After installation and after server instance creation on Windows systems, the file permissions to the installation and server instance folder allow access to all users.

To work around this issue, change the permissions on the installations and server instance folders.


The dsadm autostart command fails when multiple instances are specified, and the command fails for one of the instances.


The dsadm autostart command does not support white space in the instance file name.


The dsmig command has been seen not to migrate values for some configuration attributes that are not identified in the upgrade and migration documentation.

The following configuration attributes are concerned:

  • nsslapd-db-durable-transaction

  • nsslapd-db-replication-batch-val

  • nsslapd-disk-low-threshold

  • nsslapd-disk-full-threshold


After a total update on master replica bearing significant write load, in some cases the generation ID for the master having undergone total update is not set properly. As a result, replication fails.


When enabling referral mode for Directory Server by using Directory Service Control Center through Internet Explorer 6, the text in the confirm referral mode window is truncated.

To work around this issue, use a different browser such as Mozilla web browser.


After creating or adding a new certificate, Directory Server must be restarted for the change to take effect.


After upgrading replica, and moving servers to new systems, you must recreate replication agreements to use new host names. Directory Service Control Center lets you delete the existing replication agreements, but does not allow you to create new agreements.


On Red Hat systems, the dsadm autostart command does not always ensure that the server instances start at boot time.


Directory Server does not properly handle Chinese multibyte character in strings for database names, file names, and path names.

To work around this issue when creating a Directory Server suffix having Chinese multibyte characters, specify a database name that has no multibyte characters. When creating a suffix on the command line, for example, explicitly set the --db-name option of the dsconf create-suffix command.

$ dsconf create-suffix --db-name asciiDBName multibyteSuffixDN

Do not use the default database name for the suffix.


On Windows systems when Directory Server is enabled as a service, do not use the dsadm cert-pwd-prompt=on command.


The following replication error messages have been seen to persist on agreements with a consumer even after a total update is performed on the consumer.

Error sending replication updates. Error Message: Replication error
updating replica: Unable to start a replication session : transient
error - Failed to get supported proto. Error code 907.

Operational Status Error sending updates to server host:port. Error:
Replication error updating replica: Incremental update session abored :
fatal error - Send extended op failed. Error code: 824.

To eliminate the messages, disable the replication agreement, and then enable the replication agreement.


When stopping multiple master replica under heavy load in a multi master replication configuration, the servers may take several minutes to stop.


After an import operation is performed on a master where read-write-mode is set to read-only, Directory Server fails to restart.


The dsconf command does not prompt for the appropriate dsSearchBaseDN setting when configuring DSML.


On Windows systems, Directory Server has been seen to fail to start when the base name of the instance is ds.


You must configure DSML before you can monitor DSML with Java ES Monitoring Framework.


When using a browser running in a Chinese locale, the More on Server Groups link in Directory Service Control Center is incorrect, leading to an application error page.


When installing from the zip distribution, the dsee_deploy command does not provide an option to configure SNMP and stream adaptor ports.


The dsconf help-properties command is set to work properly only after instance creation. In addition, the correct list of values for the dsml-client-auth-mode command should be client-cert-first | http-basic-only | client-cert-only.


In order to use Directory Service Control Center on Windows XP systems, the guest account must be disabled. Additionally, the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ForceGuest must be set to 0 in order for authentication to succeed.


After installing from the zip distribution on Solaris and Red Hat systems, Directory Server does not appear through SNMP after the Common Agent Container, cacao, is restarted.

To work around this issue on Solaris systems, apply all recommended patches listed in Directory Server, Directory Proxy Server, and Directory Server Resource Kit Operating System Requirements.


Output of the entrycmp, fildif, insync, mmldif, and ns-accountstatus commands are not localized.


Some output displayed by the dsccmon, dsccreg, dsccsetup, and dsccreg commands is not localized.


After accessing Directory Service Control Center for the first time and registering a Directory Server instance, a warning and an exception are written to the Sun Java Web Console logs.

You can ignore safely ignore the warning, failed to retreive "server-pid" from command ouptut, and the exception. The exception output appears as follows.

StandardWrapperValve[wizardWindowServlet]: Servlet.service() for servlet
 wizardWindowServlet threw exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been

When setting up Directory Service Control Center in a locale other than English, log messages concerning creation of the Directory Service Control Center Registry are not fully localized. Some log messages are shown in the locale used when setting up Directory Service Control Center.


After manual reboot following installation on a Windows system with the Java ES installer, Directory Server is not running. However, Directory Server can appear to be running in the Task Manager. When this occurs, Directory Server cannot be restarted from the Task Manager.

To work around this issue, remove the process ID file from the logs folder.


The dsmig migrate-data -R -N command has been seen to fail when upgrading from Directory Server 5 2005Q1.

To work around failures in automatic data migration, migrate the data manually as described in Chapter 3, Migrating Directory Server Manually, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Migration Guide.


On HP-UX systems, applications using NSPR libraries crash and dump core after investigation with gdb. The problem occurs when you attach gdb to a running Directory Server instance, then use the gdb quit command.


When accessing Directory Service Control Center through Internet Explorer 6, saving index configuration changes for a suffix causes a null error to appear. The progress window for the operation appears to freeze.

To work around this issue, access Directory Service Control Center through a different browser, such as a Mozilla-based browser.


When you edit a directory entry through Directory Service Control Center, if the entry is simultaneously changed by some other method, refreshing the display does not show the changes.


Directory Service Control Center has been seen to show incorrect status for the User-Changeable field of Global Password Policy, pwd-user-change-enabled.

To work around this issue, use the dsconf(1M) command to read the pwd-user-change-enabled server property.

$ dsconf get-server-prop -w /tmp/ds.pwd pwd-user-change-enabled
pwd-user-change-enabled  :  off

When upgrading from Directory Server 5.2, if you have a certificate database that contains no trusted certificates, the dsmig migrate-config command fails. This problem can occur when you have created a certificate database, but never used the database, nor set up SSL.

    To work around this issue, follow these steps.

  1. Remove the new, empty Directory Server 6 instance.

  2. Rename the ServerRoot/alias/slapd-serverID-cert8.db and ServerRoot/alias/slapd-serverID-key3.db files that the Directory Server 5.2 instance uses.

    $ cd ServerRoot/alias
    $ mv slapd-serverID-cert8.db slapd-serverID-cert8.db.old
    $ mv slapd-serverID-key3.db slapd-serverID-key3.db.old
  3. Perform the upgrade and migration process again.


On HP-UX systems, Directory Service Control Center has been seen to show a null pointer exception error message when starting and stopping a Directory Server instance. The error affects Directory Service Control Center, not the Directory Server instance.


When migrating a Directory Server configuration, the dsmig migrate-config command fails if the -R option is used but not all suffixes in the existing configuration are replicated.

    To work around this issue, perform the following steps.

  1. Stop the old server.

  2. In the old server instance, dse.ldif configuration file entry with DN cn=changelog5,cn=config comment out the following attributes using hash marks, #.

    #nsslapd-changelogmaxage: ...
    #nsslapd-changelogmaxentries: ...
  3. Make a note of the values for these attributes.

  4. Migrate the server configuration using the dsmig migrate-config command.

  5. On the new server instance, for every suffix that has a configuration entry with DN of the form cn=replica,cn=suffix-dn,cn=mapping tree,cn=config, run the following commands.

    $ dsconf set-suffix-prop -p port suffix-dn repl-cl-max-age:old-value

    Here old-value means the value of nsslapd-changelogmaxage in the old server instance.

    $ dsconf set-suffix-prop -p port suffix-dn repl-cl-max-entry-count:old-value/nbr-suffixes

    Here old-value means the value of nsslapd-changelogmaxentries in the old server instance. nbr-suffixes is the total number of replicated suffixes.


Directory Server does not allow you to enable password quality checking alone without at least one other password policy feature.

To work around this issue, enable at least one additional password policy feature when you enable password quality checking. The following example enables password quality checking, and also enforces a minimum age before the password is changed.

$ dsconf set-server-prop pwd-check-enabled:on pwd-min-age:1h