Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide

Designing a Directory Schema

The directory schema describes the types of data that can be stored in a directory. During schema design, each data element is mapped to an LDAP attribute. Related elements are gathered into LDAP object classes. A well-designed schema helps maintain data integrity by imposing constraints on the size, range, and format of data values. You decide what types of entries your directory contains and the attributes that are available to each entry.

The predefined schema that is included with Directory Server contains the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard LDAP schema. The schema contains additional application-specific schema to support the features of the server. It also contains Directory Server-specific schema extensions. While this schema meets most directory requirements, you might need to extend the schema with new object classes and attributes that are specific to your directory.

Schema Design Process

Schema design involves doing the following:

Where possible, use the existing schema elements that are defined in the default Directory Server schema. Standard schema elements help to ensure compatibility with directory-enabled applications. Because the schema is based on the LDAP standard, it has been reviewed and agreed to by a large number of directory users.

Maintaining Data Consistency

Consistent data assists LDAP client applications in locating directory entries. For each type of information that is stored in the directory, select the required object classes and attributes to support that information. Always use the same object classes and attributes. If you use schema objects inconsistently, it is difficult to locate information.

You can maintain schema consistency in the following ways: