Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide

Chapter 5 Defining Service Level Agreements

Service level agreements are technical specifications that determine how the system must perform under certain conditions. This chapter describes the service requirements that are specific to Directory Server Enterprise Edition. The chapter includes questions that you need to ask during the planning phase to ensure that your deployment meets these requirements.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Identifying System Qualities

To identify system qualities, specify the minimum requirements that your directory service must provide. The following system qualities typically form a basis for quality of service requirements:

Defining Performance Requirements

Performance requirements should be based on typical models of directory usage. In all directory deployments, Directory Server supports one or more client applications, and the requirements of these applications must be assessed. Estimating how much information your directory contains, and how often that information is accessed, involves identifying these applications and determining how they use Directory Server.

Identifying Client Applications

The applications that access your directory and the data needs of these applications have a significant impact on performance requirements. When identifying client applications, consider the following:

Common applications that might use your directory include the following:

When you have identified the information used by each application, you might see that some types of data are used by more than one application. Performing this kind of exercise during the planning stage can help you to avoid data redundancy.

Determining the Number and Size of Directory Entries

The number and size of entries that are stored in the directory depend largely on your data requirements, as described in Chapter 4, Defining Data Characteristics.

Consider the following when calculating the number and size of entries:

Determining the Number of Reads

In estimating read traffic, consider the following:

If read performance is crucial to your enterprise, see Chapter 10, Designing a Scaled Deployment for suggestions on deploying a directory service that is scaled for reads.

Determining the Number of Writes

In estimating write traffic, consider the following:

If write performance is crucial to your enterprise, see Chapter 10, Designing a Scaled Deployment for suggestions on deploying a directory service that is scaled for writes.

Estimating the Acceptable Response Time

For each client application, determine the maximum response time that is acceptable. The acceptable response time might differ for various geographical locations, and for different kinds of operations.

Estimating the Acceptable Replication Latency

Estimate the level of synchronicity that is required between master replicas and consumer replicas. The Directory Server replication model is loosely consistent, that is, updates are accepted on a master without requiring communication with the other replicas in a topology. At any given time, the contents of each replica might be different. Over time, the replicas converge until each replica has an identical copy of the data. As part of performance planning, determine the maximum acceptable time that replicas have to converge.

Directory Server 6.0 includes a new prioritized replication feature. This feature enables you to specify that changes to certain attributes must be replicated as soon as possible. Prioritized replication might affect your decisions about acceptable replication latency. For more information, see Prioritized Replication in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference.

Defining Availability Requirements

Availability implies an agreed minimum up time and level of performance for your directory service. Failure, in this context, is defined as anything that prevents the directory service from providing this minimum level of service.

In assessing availability requirements, consider the following:

For suggestions on deploying a highly available directory service, see Chapter 12, Designing a Highly Available Deployment.

Defining Scalability Requirements

As your directory evolves, the service levels that must be supported might change. To raise the level of service after a system has been deployed can be difficult. Thus, the initial design must take future requirements into account.

When defining scalability requirements, consider the following:

Increase CPU estimates to make sure that your deployment does not have to be scaled prematurely. Look at the anticipated milestones for scaling and projected load increase over time to make sure that you allow enough latent capacity to reach the milestones.

Defining Security Requirements

Security requirements warrant separate discussion. These requirements are described in detail in Chapter 7, Identifying Security Requirements.

Defining Latent Capacity Requirements

In determining latent capacity requirements, estimate the peak load conditions for your directory service. Consider the following:

Defining Serviceability Requirements

Serviceability requirements are discussed in detail in Chapter 8, Identifying Administration and Monitoring Requirements.