Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide

Designing Access Control With ACIs

Access control enables you to specify that certain clients have access to particular information, while other clients do not. You implement access control using one or more access control lists (ACLs). ACLs consist of a series of access control instructions (ACIs) that either allow or deny permissions to specified entries and their attributes. Permissions include the ability to read, write, search, proxy, add, delete, compare, import and export.

By using an ACL, you can set permissions for the following:

In addition, you can set permissions for a specific user, for all users that belong to a group, or for all users of the directory. You can also define access for a network location, such as an IP address or a DNS name.

This section provides an overview of the Directory Server access control mechanism. For detailed information about configuring access control and ACIs, see Chapter 6, Directory Server Access Control, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide. For information about the architecture of the access control mechanism, see How Directory Server Provides Access Control in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference.

Default ACIs

The default behavior of Directory Server is to deny access unless there is a specific ACI that grants access. therefore, if no ACIs are defined, all access to the server is denied.

When you install Directory Server or when you add a new suffix, several default ACIs are defined automatically in the root DSE. These ACIs can be modified to suit your security requirements.

For details on the default ACIs and how to modify them, see How Directory Server Provides Access Control in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference.

ACI Scope

Directory Server 6.0 includes two major changes to ACI scope.

The change in ACI scope has implications for migration. If you are migrating to Directory Server 6.0 from a previous version of Directory Server, see Changes to ACIs in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Migration Guide.

Obtaining Effective Rights Information

The access control model provided by Directory Server 6.0 can grant access to users through many different mechanisms. However, this flexibility can make your security policy fairly complex. Several parameters can define the security context of a user, including IP address, machine name, time of day, and authentication method.

To simplify the security policy, Directory Server 6.0 enables you to request and list the effective access rights that a given user has to specified directory entries and attributes. For more information, see Viewing Effective Rights in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide.

Tips on Using ACIs

The following tips can simplify your directory security model and improve directory performance: