Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide

ProcedureTo Recover on Failure of One Component

  1. If Master 1 is not already stopped, stop it.

  2. Identify the cause of the failure.

    • If the failure is easily repaired, by replacing a network cable, for example, make the repair and go to Step 3.

    • If the problem is more serious, the failure might take more time to fix.

    1. Ensure that any applications that access Master 1 are redirected to point to Master 2 or Master 3, through Directory Proxy Server.

    2. Check the availability of a recent backup.

      • If a recent backup is available, reinitialize Master 1 from the backup and go to Step 3.

      • If a recent backup is not available, do one of the following:

  3. Start Master 1, if it is not already started.

  4. If Master 1 is in read-only mode, set it to read/write mode.

  5. Check that replication is functioning correctly.

    You can use DSCC, dsccmon view-suffixes, or the insync command to check replication.

    For more information, see Getting Replication Status in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide, dsccmon(1M), and insync(1).