Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide

Adding Entries Using ldapmodify

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

You can add one or more entries to the directory by using the -a option of ldapmodify. The following example creates a structural entry to contain users and then creates a user entry:

$ ldapmodify -a -h host1 -p 1389 -D cn=admin,cn=Administrators,cn=config -w -
Enter bind password:
dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: People
description: Container for user entries

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetorgPerson
uid: bjensen
givenName: Barbara
sn: Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
telephoneNumber: (408) 555-3922
facsimileTelephoneNumber: (408) 555-4000
userPassword: secret

The -D and -w options give the bind DN and password, respectively, of a user with permissions to create these entries. The -a option indicates that all entries in the LDIF will be added. Then each entry is listed by its DN and its attribute values, with a blank line between each entry. The ldapmodify utility creates each entry after it is entered, and the utility reports any errors.

    By convention, the LDIF of an entry lists the following attributes:

  1. The DN of the entry.

  2. The list of object classes.

  3. The naming attribute (or attributes). This is the attribute used in the DN, and it is not necessarily one of the required attributes.

  4. The list of required attributes for all object classes.

  5. Any allowed attributes that you want to include.

When typing a value for the userPassword attribute, provide the clear text version of the password. The server will encrypt this value and store only the encrypted value. Be sure to limit read permissions to protect clear passwords that appear in LDIF files.

You can also use an alternate form of the LDIF that does not require the -a option on the command line. The advantage of this form is that you can combine entry addition statements and entry modification statements, as shown in the following example.

$ ldapmodify -h host1 -p 1389 -D cn=admin,cn=Administrators,cn=config -w -
Enter bind password: 
dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: People
description: Container for user entries

dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetorgPerson
uid: bjensen
givenName: Barbara
sn: Jensen
cn: Barbara Jensen
telephoneNumber: (408) 555-3922
facsimileTelephoneNumber: (408) 555-4000
userPassword: secret

The changetype: add keyword indicates that the entry with the given DN should be created with all of the subsequent attributes. All other options and LDIF conventions are the same as explained earlier in this section.

In both examples, you can use the -f filename option to read the LDIF from a file instead of from the terminal input. The LDIF file must contain the same format as used for the terminal input, depending upon your use of the -a option.