Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Define Schema Checking

  1. Indicate that the server instance should use an external schema.

    $ dpconf set-server-prop -h host -p port use-external-schema:true
  2. Enable schema checking on the connection handler.

    $ dpconf set-connection-handler-prop -h host -p port connection-handler\
  3. Create a data view that exposes cn=schema.

    If the external schema is defined in an LDAP directory, create an LDAP data view, as described in Creating and Configuring LDAP Data Views, with a view base of cn=schema.

    If the external schema is defined in an LDIF file, create an LDIF data view, as described in Creating and Configuring LDIF Data Views with a view base of cn=schema.

  4. Add this data view to the list of data views exposed by the connection handler.

    By default, all data views are exposed by the connection handler. If you have a defined a custom list of data views that are exposed by the connection handler, add this data view to the list. You must specify all the data views that will be exposed by the connection handler in this command.

    $ dpconf set-connection-handler-prop -h host -p port connection-handler \
     data-view-routing-custom-list:data-view-name data-view-routing-custom-list:data-view-name